Monday, November 6, 2023

'Where Is The Hope?'

J Brentner

I can almost hear the question from so long ago, “Where’s the beef?” This inquiry came from a Wendy’s advertising campaign emphasizing that their burgers had more meat than other fast-food chains.

There’s a similar question that many of us are asking based upon our recent experience of attending churches, “Where is the hope?”

If there’s anything people need today, it’s hope. We are immersed in a culture of violence, deceit, and death. In the U.S., mass shootings have become commonplace. The horrors of Hamas’ massacre shocked those not drawn into the demonic lies spread by the Palestinians. Anti-Semitic rants have become commonplace on our streets and on many college campuses causing many to fear for their lives.

Instead of offering desperately needed hope at such a time as this, we hear wonderful sermons that far too often end without a peep about the promise of eternal life, even when the pastor presents the Gospel. It’s as if Jesus died so we could have our best life now. Hmmm. . .


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The article is an opinion based upon I’m guessing no sampling of the entirety of church pastors. Blame game. Yeshua provided a way. Yet, his teachings while present were rejected and he was crucified. Does it surprise then that his teachings while not present in the flesh are still rejected. Those that were chosen to receive the word of GOD and had the benefit of his presence in the flesh reject him and his teaching to this day. Both of the sons of Abraham descendants are in constant conflict rejecting the WAY of salvation. The path to the HOPE of salvation and eternal life is individualized and no pastor can guarantee salvation based upon a sermon. Each person must accept GOD and his SON individually. There is no group discount.