Wednesday, November 29, 2023

For Full Scale Tyranny In 2024 ?

They Set America Up For Full Scale Medical Tyranny In 2024 And Now We're Reaping What We Allowed Them To Sow - Another State Preps 'Quarantine Camps' And A Medical Coup D'Etat

Quarantine Camps in New York, Governor DeSantis in Florida also recently did the same thing in his so-called 'no vax' bill, which if you read it in depth and closely enough, learn that towards the end of the bill, it became a 'forced vax' bill, complete with quarantines and all kinds of ugliness for those who aren't 'compliant'

Once again usurping our Constitutional rights, check out the wording directly from the bill.:

4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.  

a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer.  

b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantineIf there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual

Using words such as 'by any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual' sounds exactly like full-scale medical tyranny! And in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story titled "The Greatest Genocide Ever," we see exactly what 'by any means necessary to vaccinate' individuals means during one segment of it.

With that segment showing fully armed 'health authorities' quite literally forcing a woman, who didn't want to get vaxxed, to get vaxxed, as she screams and cries, we see a screenshot of that segment in the photograph above. And insanely, after she is injected against her willthe 'authorities' who vaxxed her clap, cheer and applaud. Crazy?! What would you do if people like that tried to vax you against your will, or throw you into a 'quarantine camp,' just because they want to, or think you might be a 'Trump voter'? I can imagine that if America ever came to that, the 2nd Amendment would be fully in play.

And with the globalists right this moment setting up what's to come in 2024 just like they set up 'COVID 19,' with the World Health Organization already getting involved in a cluster of 'mysterious' pneumonia cases among school children in China that some are already calling 'the next pandemic,'... with not only the state of New York preparing to throw away law-abiding Americans into 'camps' but the state of Florida, too, how many more such states are secretly signing tyrannical laws into the books behind the backs of their residents, hoping to one day spring them upon them without their knowledge, when the tyrants feel they are most needed? As Susan had warned in her story, this is an 'end game beta test' for something much bigger and much more tyrannical dead ahead.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”(Edmund Burke) - we the people allowed the tsunami of evil to inundate the United States, it's our fault.