Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Bill Gates Doubles Down on ‘Cashless Societies’ and ‘Digital IDs’ in Africa - Backed By WEF, UN, EU

Bill Gates Doubles Down on ‘Cashless Societies’ and ‘Digital IDs’ in Africa
Hunter Fielding

Billionaire Bill Gates is aggressively pushing his plan to experiment with “cashless societies” and “digital IDs” in the African nation of Nigeria.

Gates and his foundation are attempting to eliminate physical money and replace it with “digital cash” that’s linked to a global identification system.

The project already has the backing from the World Economic Forum, various “enlisted” UN agencies, and the European Union.

Gates is advancing plans for the “joint undertaking” in the promotion of digital public infrastructure (DPI).

Save the UN, which is supposed to be “the world organization,” all these other actors blatantly represent rich elites; but a lot of their focus with the DPI push is now on underdeveloped or developing countries of “the third world.”

The ongoing experiment in this case is the development and implementation of digital IDs and digital payments by the end of the decade, in as many places as possible.

That is the core intent behind the term “DPI,” which many see as simply a UN, EU, Gates, etc., buzzword.

Regarding Nigeria, the Gates Foundation President for Global Growth and Opportunities Rodger Voorhies is actually “challenging” the country’s government to make more investments in creating a “DPI ecosystem.”

That’s despite the fact Nigeria’s effort thus far has been described as “robust” – but apparently, it can “do better.”

There’s no mistake the Gates Foundation is dead set on pushing this agenda anywhere it can.

Meanwhile, critics are warning about a sort of “centralization of surveillance” that would impact people’s financial sovereignty and other civil rights.

The UN is not lagging far behind in talking up DPIs and incentivizing countries to use them, apparently, via any channel available, from developmental to cultural agencies (UNDP, UNESCO).

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