Monday, November 6, 2023

Jews facing a 'tsunami of hatred' like they've never before experienced in Australia

Melbourne is home to Nazis and far-Left activists - leaving Jews facing a 'tsunami of hatred' like they've never before experienced in Australia

Melbourne has become 'the epicentre of antisemitism' with Jewish locals experiencing a 'tsunami of hatred', a community leader says.

Children are being bullied in schools for being Jewish and Nazi sympathisers are using the guise of empathy toward Palestine for spreading hatred and vitriol.

Dvir Abramovich, chair of the Anti-Defamation Commission, told Daily Mail Australia the current environment for Jewish residents in Melbourne was the worst he had ever seen following Hamas' attack on Israel on October 7.

'In the decades that I have been fighting anti-Jewish hatred, I have never experienced anything like this frightening wave of vicious hostility, and this tsunami of hatred shows no sign of abating,' he said.

'My phone has been ringing off the hook with reports of Jewish scrolls being ripped off doorposts, 'kidnapped' posters being defaced, Israeli flags taken off cars and urinated on, and Jewish businesses being degraded.'

Dr Abramovich said what was once considered 'unthinkable' just a few years ago is now 'happening before our very eyes'.

A Jewish family from Melbourne told Daily Mail Australia that their teenage daughter had been targeted by high school students. 

Her mother, who wished to remain anonymous, said a series of antisemitic incidents had been directed at her daughter since the start of the year, well before the current Israel/Hamas conflict. 

Antisemitism is an ongoing, horrific scourge and I am aware since speaking to a number of parents and teachers that there is a far-right influence seeping into the consciousness of high schoolers through social media. 

'It's a terrible feeling to be targeted like this.'

Dr Abramovich has recently detailed instances of anti-Semitism at schools, in which 'Jewish university students who say that feel unwelcome and unsafe on campuses' and young people have confessed they're 'scared to to tell people they're Jewish'.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this is but a handful of very dumb-as# ignorant people with very horrible parenting going way back, that are bullying Jewish people that have not one thing to do with anything that should ever be treated so disrespectful IMO!!!

IMO, the folks within their Government, police, folks to advocate for fairness/kindness, should all condemn such hate! Hold accountable, and arrest the low-level of consciousness people that are doing crimes against other's, IMO! They are doing what God said not to, not to hate thy neighbor!!

We get aggravated hearing about such creepy stupidity, yet still we do not hate, that would only hurt us to hate; doesn't mean the numb-nuts can't be held accountable for being so RUDE, IMO! Hear Australia is beautiful, assumed folks there were too, not sure about their Gov., their minds? Look how goofy their Gov. acted over Covid even, ok USA abused power too, but Australia took it to whole other level, as reputed. Prayers for the nuts in this world, some fruity, some insane, IMO!

Sure we are not perfect, but good folks don't hate, and don't hate ever those innocent folks like the Jewish!

Especially now, you would think there need be compassion/empathy given after horrific evil acts from Hamas; are we to believe those that hate are as evil as Hamas too? Sounding like it, right?