Friday, June 2, 2023

Pete Garcia: A Thousand Tiny Cuts

A Thousand Tiny Cuts

“Most Americans are unaware of a decline in individual liberty, and the reason is obvious: the decline rarely takes the form of sudden personal deprivation but, instead, takes the form of unnoticed erosion and, thus, we come to regard whatever state we are in as a normal condition.” – Leonard E. Read, “How to Advance Liberty”

Since 2008 the collapsing of the United States appears to be happening faster than anyone could have ever anticipated

While the Democrats, globalists, leftists, and progressives attempt to sell the world on the fear of global warming, global cooling the catch-all climate change, the fear of American realists today is that the US will collapse from within in the next decade, if not sooner. Only this time there won’t be a Jack Ryan or Marvel superhero to save the day by preserving the status quo. Speaking of the status quo, is it even worth saving? I mean, what do you do when the status quo is becoming increasingly evil? Given the fact we are already in a state-sponsored cold civil war, there’s no saying as to whose side Jack Ryan or Captain America would be on anyway.

Since 2016, the very fabric of our society has begun unraveling in so many different directions, it’s hard to tell how long this can continue. All the sunshine and rainbows these modern think tanks have been selling Washington about soft landings and a re-surging economy is really just wishful thinking rather than the cold hard truth. Should the Lord tarry, it is very likely that we are rapidly approaching the time when we are left facing four sobering options, none of which are good:

1. Civil War/ political fracturing of the union
2. Economic/societal collapse
3. Foreign Invasion/sleeper cell activation
4. All three at once

I think it’s fair to say that even though the fall of the American empire has been a long time coming, it is still something that is going to catch many Americans off guard. Perhaps it’s simply a problem of collective cognitive dissonance in the form of a societal-wide normalcy bias. As sobering as the attacks of Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Cuban Missile Crisis were, the truth is, the United States hasn’t faced a true existential threat since the 1861-65 Civil War. We tend to think of ourselves as bulletproof and capable of recovering from anything.

It’s also fair to say that during the last century, there have been many micro-collapses. Although these micro-collapses in and of themselves were serious events, they were not serious enough to collapse our economy. Thus, the financial recessions and depressions of 1929,1937-38, 1973-74, 1987, and 2008 were quickly forgotten once the economic hardships eased. But each time either an attack or an economic fiasco has occurred, they have been fundamentally weakening the overall constitutional and financial soundness of the American way of life.

Not only is the United States declining more noticeably on the global stage as of late, but we are also facing moral collapse from within at a frightening pace. America used to be lauded as the home of the free and the land of the brave. A once proud Christian-nation, and the ‘melting pot’ of the world. Now, we are self-identifying as a dangerous ally, a post-Christian nation, that is racing to change that to a pagan nation. Surely our friends, allies, and even enemies have taken notice.

As we descend nationally into paganism, we are witnessing the quickening of the erosion of common values (i.e., Judeo-Christian values) which are leading to a marked rise in crime and violence in every major city. But it’s not just the thug in the dark alley who is promoting lawlessness, but also the elected politician vociferously defending the thug. These same politicians are calling for the defunding of law enforcement which is akin to pouring gasoline on the already growing pile of dry tinder. As these two extremes escalate, all the disparate communities are retreating into their ethnic and cultural families causing tribalism to become the norm.

Adding insult to injury, the American justice system is being corrupted by money and politicization by both special interests and massive corporations (big tech, big pharma, big media, etc.). The average law-abiding American no longer trusts it and is right to not trust it, given the increasingly blatantly two-tiered rule of law we see every day on the news. I mean, we still haven’t seen who was on Jeffrey Epstein’s client list, but the FBI has extensive lists of parents who are standing up to their progressive school boards.

Then there those proven change agents like George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and other billionaire activists, who are working relentlessly to fund the collapse of the United States. It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that the cracks in the American pillars are so profound by now that something (or Someone) has been supernaturally sustaining the integrity of them.

Merriam-Webster defines warfare as military operations between enemies, an activity undertaken by a political unit (as a nation) to weaken or destroy another (e.g., economic warfare), or a struggle between competing enemies. Traditional warfare has taken the form of violent military action among nation-states. By its very nature, warfare is a struggle at the strategic level. Battles are fought at the tactical level and campaigns at the operational level, but warfare is waged at the strategic level. The great Prussian strategist Carl von Clausewitz understood that warfare is an extension of “politics through other means.” (US Army Land Warfare Papers)

Asymmetric means something having parts or aspects to it that are not equal or balanced. So, we live in an age where the United States has dominated global affairs from the West for the better part of seventy years. But the enemies of the US presently understand they cannot stand toe to toe against the US directly, which is why they are doing it via other means, such as economically or politically. Given the reality that the Bible is strangely silent on any such nation having any role to play in the last days, seems to indicate our enemies are successful. In fact, power seems to be decidedly shifted back to the East (or the Old World).

The Deep State (or shadow government), also known as the Senior Executive Service (SES) refers to unelected bureaucrats and career staffers who actually control a government and its policies, rather than control by voters. Journalist Matt Taibbi defines it as “a tangled collaboration of state agencies, private contractors, and (sometimes state-funded) NGOs. The lines become so blurred as to be meaningless.” (Source)

But the deep state has grown beyond merely the definition given above. It now includes the varied three-letter “intelligence” agencies that have secret facilities around the world both hidden in plain sight, as well as subterranean and off the grid. They serve as the political vanguard working to ensure their agendas stay well-funded (by you the taxpayer), as well as on track to achieve their own ends. We know the recent 300-page Durham Report indicates as much with regard to Operation Crossfire Hurricane and the targeting of President Trump.

Thus the notions of right and wrong, lawful, and illegal, constitutional and unconstitutional, etc…all of these are quickly becoming antiquated ideas that don’t mean anything anymore to powers and groups who are above the law and internationally minded. The elite knew if they could keep the citizens fighting amongst themselves (divide and conquer) we would be too busy squabbling to worry about what they were doing.

The real reason why we are seeing such an aggressive push for globalism everywhere is not just because the global “stakeholders” realize that our current global economic system (led by the United States) has been squeezed for all its worth, but something far darker. The Satanic forces behind them, who gave them their power and thrones, realize that this age has come to its inevitable end, and are trying to set their own stage to prepare for what is coming. As for their human puppets, they would have dumped our US-dollar-based system decades ago, but they lacked the technology to implement said change as well as the means to control it.

But now they do.


It’s important to note that America is not a Christian nation. Nations can’t be “Christian” because true biblical Christianity is solely up to the individual. Furthermore, God is not American, nor is He sustaining the USA because He loves us more than He does the Azerbaijani or Honduran nations. God has blessed America given her religious founding and the prophetic role she was determined to play in aiding and enabling the rebirth of the nation of Israel.

However, God is sustaining this nation until the appointed time because our collapse at the Rapture of the Church is essential to the process of prophetic causation that forces the world into its final form; the ten-nation/region confederacy. Nevertheless, after the Rapture, the Bible outlines four major geopolitical alignments in the last days both before and during the 70th Week of Daniel (i.e., the Tribulation). It is quite telling that none of these coalitions mentions a major superpower in the far west that resembles anything like the United States of America. These coalitions are:

1. The Psalm 83 coalition (before)
2. The Ezekiel 38-39 Gog-Magog coalition (before)
3. The Revelation 13 ten-region kingdom of the Beast (during)
4. The Kings of the East (during)

Finally, we can see the final beast system starting to take form. It is using the crisis of health and money to steer the world into a biometric digital currency that will one day be used to control all buying and selling on the planet. At this point, it’s becoming violently obvious as to where this is all heading. In fact, one would have to be intentionally ignorant of Bible prophecy to purposefully ignore what is happening and where it is headed (see Revelation 13:16-18). Even non-Christians are starting to identify much of this stuff as having prophetic importance.

It appears that by the time the Rapture of the Church removes upwards of 10% of the American population, it will be enough to cause the American experiment to come crashing down. Although not of their own making, the globalists will race to take advantage of this truly global crisis. They will likely cheer and applaud at having their death by a thousand cuts justified in toppling the once mighty American empire, only to unleash the nightmare of the final beast kingdom.

Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” – Revelation 13:1-4

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