Sunday, June 25, 2023

Warning Signs On The Brink

Warning Signs In Abundance

As I watch events unfold in America and around the world, I find myself wondering why the Rapture hasn’t already occurred. I never thought I would see so many precursors to the Tribulation period as are evident all around us and yet still be waiting for the Lord’s appearing.

As I consider what the Bible says about the enormous death toll and vast devastation of the Day of Lord, I begin to understand what seems to us to be a delay. Just as God sent many prophets to warn Judah of its impending destruction, so He is now allowing students of His Word, as well as the events themselves, to warn people that He’s ready to pour out His wrath on a rebellious humanity.

The seeming delay in the beginning of the Tribulation has lulled many people, even believers, into a false sense of normalcy. The warnings of the past several years have not happened as soon as many thought. The result is a sense that all is well for the foreseeable future, which couldn’t be further from realty.

“Why would God restrain His judgments for the moment?” one might ask. The answer is found in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8; the Restrainer is holding back the appearing of the antichrist on the world scene and in so doing, I believe He’s also suppressing events that will usher the “lawless one” into power. He’s holding back His wrath so as to give people more time to repent.

For at least the past decade, I have read books and articles warning that the U.S. is on the brink of a major economic collapse the likes of which will cause a worldwide depression leading to the conditions described in Revelation 6:5-6. Despite the fact that our government has printed an enormous amount of money during the past several years, incurred over thirty-one trillion dollars in debt, continues to recklessly spend money, and invites millions of illegals into our country on our dime, somehow our economy has not yet collapsed. How is this possible apart from the Lord’s restraining hand?

Last year, I reported the numerous warnings of dire food shortages for 2023, but so far they have not materialized despite the fiery destruction of well over one hundred food processing plants in the U.S. and efforts around the world to curb farm production.

For the past several years, we have watched tensions escalate in the Middle East as nations align precisely as described in Ezekiel 38. Many predicted that Israel would attack Iran’s nuclear capabilities long before now. For the past several months, it has seemed as though a major war could erupt at any moment between Israel and the proxies of Iran, one that might rapidly lead to the Gog-Magog war described by the Prophet Ezekiel. Yet this full-scale war hasn’t yet happened despite the huge buildup for it.



Mrs.C said...

The rain is falling, yet they dance in the rain while the door to the Ark will surely close. God is long suffering, that no one should perish. He is revealing evil for all to see. This is Spiritual warfare, good vs evil, & satan knows his time is short.
There is no more fence sitting. If you're going to sit on the fence between good and evil just know and understand that the satan owns all of that FENCE!
We are to fight the good fight, finish the race...:)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. C comment is a great one! So true IMO!