I often use the phrase “the powers that be.” Much is tied up in that expression–more than even the most spiritually astute might suspect.
Usually, in considering these “powers,” we look at the Apostle Paul’s heads-up in his letter to the Ephesians.
Ephesians 6:12 KJV – “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
It has always been relatively easy to understand who these supernatural “powers and principalities” are. Not long ago, discernment that this warning involves human minions as well as demonic entities wasn’t so easily recognized. But the progression of stage-setting for soon fulfillment has changed that.
The unfolding of prophetic progression continues at a pace that’s difficult to keep up with. And—again, at the risk of being accused of being Amerocentric—I believe we can see most every element, every satanic influence, operating within this apex nation of world history. America, the most materially blessed and one of the most spiritually blessed nations, is now host to minions of the deadliest sort. Their parasitic infestation grows more horrific by the day.
The spread of sin within the nation has reached the very thinking processes of at least half of our populace. Our leadership, particularly at the national level, exhibits the Romans 1:28 “reprobate” mindset with elected representatives of the people throwing caution to the winds of destruction. They’ve reached the point that the printing presses can’t keep up with the amounts of money they ravenously want to spend.
They now seek to join the globalist powers that be in embracing those minions’ digital economic madness. They can, through electronic transfer, instantly create revenue for their every desire. They can control all people by controlling buying and selling. It is almost certainly the precursor to the Antichrist 666 system of Revelation 13:16–18.
Indeed, the love of money is proving to be at the root of all sorts of evil.
The human powers are totally sold out to the one who will deliver them the authority to bring about the all-controlling, one world regime demanded by those within the World Economic Forum (WEF). This is prophetically scheduled, of course, to bring about not Utopia, but Hell on earth.
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