Sunday, January 22, 2023

Mass Formation:

Mass Formation Psychosis

What has been completely lost in the almost overwhelming attacks on the concept and scholarly work regarding “Mass Formation” or “Mass Psychosis” or “Mass Hypnosis” or “Mass Formation Psychosis” or whatever term you (or the obscure psychologist named Carl Jung, or Joost Merloo, or Hannah Arendtor Plato and the Allegory of the Cave) choose to use, is that when people become familiar with the ideas which are represented by these terms it becomes much easier for them to live with the profound social and interpersonal damage that has been done to all of us.

Damage to friendships, families, communities, and personal mental health through the use of fifth generation warfare psychological manipulation strategies and tactics designed to coerce, compel, and mandate compliance with governmental insistence that we all accept masks that do not prevent infection, lockdowns that destroyed everything in their wake, and unlicensed experimental medical products and procedures without meaningful informed consent. None of which had any significant impact on infection, replication, and spread of a bioengineered coronavirus that was not anywhere near as lethal as advertised.

Over a year ago, I was at a rally in a Florida megachurch, slated to speak following Dr. Peter McCullough

As I approached the stage, I faced the problem of what I could speak on that had not already just been covered by Peter. And so I decided to speak on this new theory that I was learning about, and had first encountered as “Mass Formation Psychosis” in the Aubrey Marcus podcast linked above. I had not prepared any text, had no slides, and I just began speaking. And as I spoke of this theory, I was stunned by the look of relief on the faces in the audience. Grown men with tears streaming down.

Since that moment in time, over a million people have watched this video based on a recording of that speech.

Finally getting to the point, in my opinion, over the last three years it has become apparent that there is a deep evil acting via many forces which seeks to tear apart our society, our friendships, our families, and our very souls. And this evil has employed the most profoundly pervasive propaganda and psychological operations campaign to bend and distort thought, emotion, and the fabric of reality to serve its ends. It has succeeded in tearing us apart as a nation and as a culture to an extent not seen since the US Civil War. And it seeks to consolidate its gains to yield a permanent state of anger, conflict, and division.

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