Joe Biden announced he will use executive powers to combat a “climate emergency” on Wednesday during a speech at Brayton Point Power Station, a former coal-fired power plant in Somerset, Massachusetts.
“I come here today with a message,” Biden said. “As president, I have a responsibility to act with urgency and resolve when our nation faces clear and present danger. And that’s what climate change is about. It is literally, not figuratively, a clear and present danger. The health of our citizens and our communities is literally at stake.”
“So my message today is this. Since Congress is not acting as it should, and these guys here are,” he continued, gesturing to Democrat lawmakers in attendance. “I said last week and I’ll say it again loud and clear. As president, I’ll use my executive powers to combat the climate crisis in the absence of congressional action.”
“We’re not getting many Republican votes,” Biden added. “This is an emergency, an emergency and I will, I will look at it that way.”
The effort to mitigate climate change requires a $2.3 billion investment from FEMA to help make communities more “resilient” during extreme heat waves.
Biden stopped short of declaring a federal emergency, but pledged to continue to “use my executive power to combat climate crisis in the absence of congressional action.”
According to a report published in February by the Center for Biological Diversity, declaring an emergency would authorize the Biden administration to execute “Key Climate Emergency Executive Actions.
The executive powers would include the capacity to limit all fossil fuel imports and exports, suspend the offshore drilling leases for 11 million acres of federal waters and reinstate a crude oil export ban that Congress voted to repeal in 2015.
Imagine America with no more offshore oil rigs functioning at all. Imagine a ban on the construction of new refineries or pipelines. Consider the horrifying ramifications of our entire nation being plunged into a Sri Lanka-style collapse with engineered fuel scarcity affecting trains, long-haul trucks and all forms of transportation.
With these executive orders, America would be plunged into Third World status, with near-total economic collapse, mass starvation, widespread power grid failures and civil unrest events off the charts. This is the plan of the climate cultists who are now at war with human civilization and who seek the complete dismantling of fossil fuel infrastructure across planet Earth, even if it means billions of people are plunged into poverty and starvation.
As both the Washington Post and Associated Press are reporting, Joe Biden is poised to declare a climate emergency and sign executive orders that would strangle America’s energy infrastructure. Biden’s destructive executive orders are reported to be based on this document from The Center for Biological Diversity, which outlines the following demands to collapse America’s energy infrastructure:
- Banning all oil exports from America, bankrupting many of America’s oil companies.
- Ban all oil extraction and exploration from 11 million acres of ocean waters off the coastline of the continental United States. This would drive a stake through the heart of America’s energy supply and bankrupt oil operations nationwide.
- Ban the importation of most fossil fuels, making sure that America’s collapsing domestic supply could not be replaced with energy from other countries.
- Halt oil extraction from the Permian Basin, which currently supplies about 25% of America’s domestic oil. The EPA is also trying to do this through a regulatory attack.
- Ban construction of most fossil fuel infrastructure projects such as refineries, pipelines or drilling rigs.
Without affordable fuel for transportation and logistics:
- Food would not be delivered to grocery stores
- Agriculture and farming operations would cease
- All construction and road repair would grind to a halt
- Coal would not be delivered to power plants
- Consumer goods would not get delivered to retail stores
- No replacement parts would be available for anything: Air conditioners, tractors, cars, buses, airplanes, etc.
The Clear and Present Danger if all is reputed as such to be factual, would be the Biden, (Doubt many folks watched him or heard him), as most of American Citizen's would, will, view this an act of treason, IMO!!
So, our Military needs to take him away Ha, Ha, Hee, Hee; Don't they still have those white paddy wagons that could come with stretcher's, men in white coats rushing to restraint crazy Psychiatric Patients with a strait jacket???
Boy does someone want Civil Unrest, now what Agenda would this be, there are so many Agenda's, do those wack-jobs sleep at night, or just think of ways to be stupid evil???
Actually, this is an Article, we would need facts proving such info is even occurring as Biden often says things that don't make sense; So, prayers for intervention if proven true, surely this would not be allowed, right? Where are the real Adults in the room? IMO, no one is listening or quite understands when Biden talks, so who really is saying this??
This Biden guy is an absolute nut job and should be in residence at the funny farm!!
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