Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Birth Rates In Decline:

Germany’s birth rate improbably falls by 11% in the first quarter of 2022

A historic reduction in birth rates is occurring around the world. Taiwan, Sweden, the UK, the US and Germany are all reporting an improbable drop-off in their country’s respective birth rates. In the first quarter of 2022, Germany’s birth rate consistently fell by an improbable 11 percent!

Taiwan’s birth rate also saw an improbable 27.66% drop-off in June 2022. Something catastrophic is taking place, threatening human reproductive organs around the globe. Are people deciding not to conceive in record numbers, or is something more sinister keeping pregnancies from coming to term?

There is a 1 in 12.5 billion chance birth rates would have randomly fallen at such a rate

Germany just released its birth data for April 2022, and the depopulation trend continues unabated there. Germany’s birth rate has fallen an improbable 11 percent across the first four months of 2022. This 11 percent drop is compared to the seven-year average and represents a 6.6 sigma event. This means that there is a 1 in a 12.5 billion chance that this drop-off in births would happen randomly. The drop-off in birth rate is even greater (13 percent) when it’s compared to the 2021 statistics alone. The total number of live births in April of 2021 was 63,601. The previous three-year average hovered around 62,000 live births throughout the month of April. In April 2022, the live births dropped significantly, to 55,994.

Germany just released its birth data for April 2022, and the depopulation trend continues unabated there. Germany’s birth rate has fallen an improbable 11 percent across the first four months of 2022. This 11 percent drop is compared to the seven-year average and represents a 6.6 sigma event. This means that there is a 1 in a 12.5 billion chance that this drop-off in births would happen randomly. The drop-off in birth rate is even greater (13 percent) when it’s compared to the 2021 statistics alone. The total number of live births in April of 2021 was 63,601. The previous three-year average hovered around 62,000 live births throughout the month of April. In April 2022, the live births dropped significantly, to 55,994.

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