Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Updates And Rumors Of War

Trump Has 8 Days to Execute His Counter Coup, BUT Will the Generals Support Him?

[This one comes with the usual disclaimers, discernment, take with a grain of salt etc...]

Wars and rumors of wars are in clear view. Unfortunately, there are some that are providing the incorrect narrative that in a recent development, which claims that Trump has been given the option to stay in power if he supports, at minimum, a regional war with China. THIS IS NOT A RECENT REVELATION AND THIS OPTION, FOR TRUMP HAS BEEN ON THE TABLE FOR AT LEAST 9 MONTHS.

On April 28, 2020, I published an article which contained the following material is reproduced here in verbatim form The following is what I was told by two Pentagon officials in separate conversations brokered by my best source:


More than taking a previous publication of facts, from 9 months ago and claiming the revelations to be their own in a recent time frame, there is a very big danger to reproducing my warning from last April. Specifically, we need to consider the fact that the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) deal with Trump, to go to war with China, may no longer be actionable. Trump may have waited too long to pull the proverbial trigger.

I understand why Trump hesitated. He refused to go to war in Syria, Venezuela and other places as well. His Presidency is the first in decades to not engage in the throw-away of American lives and money with regard to wars of occupation to the benefit of the neocons the globalists. This one reason is why political prostitutes, like Senator Graham and Mitch McConnell have abandoned Trump have supported the theft of a Presidential election without so much as a whimper because Trump would not play ball with the war mongers of the Military Industrial Complex who can bend the will of the Joint Chiefs. 

The reason that these options, offered to Trump by the MIC, may no longer be available. Why? Because Biden now holds the high ground. Officially, Biden won the 2020 election and that election has been certified by both the Electoral College and Congress. Any military action taken against Biden, will be labeled by the Left and the communist-controlled media as being an action of insurrection and treason being perpetrated against a duly elected Presidential-Elect. Any Generals or administration officials who support Trump using the military to turn the tables on this election run the distinct risk of being branded as a traitor and could face execution. These Generals also know that a Biden-perpetrated CHICOM takeover of this country, of which I am convinced is coming, would face certain death at the hands of the CCP. America's top military brass is caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. 

Here is what we know at this point: The FCC has indeed issued a warning to all broadcast outlets that they must surrender their broadcast platform to the President in a state of emergency or risk losing their license. However, it would be foolish to think after this long and hard-fought battle, the the media is going capitulate. This likely means that Trump has initiated some executive action to remain in power. 

However, what that action is at this point, is not known to me. The media will not capitulate and therefore, Trump has no forum from which to launch his counter-coup against the Deep State and the Democrats which would involve the rank and file of the American public. Subsequently, why do I believe this? Under EO's 13848 and 13959, Trump has the ability to shut down commodities and stock trading which involve belligerent nations (ie China). This cease and desist was to go into effect on January 11th. Wall Street has given the big middle finger to Trump. They obviously figure that they will not be prosecuted should Biden be sworn in on January 20th. The telecoms, the networks and the various broadcasting forums are not likely to capitulate either and this will leave Trump without a voice from which to speak to the public. Does it make sense now why social media completely shut down Trump and his key supporters? The message that the counter coup have begun will not be heard by the American public. 

Can the counter coup continue? The answer is yes. Although it is significantly less likely that going to war with China is going to save Trump's Presidency, it is the only option available. If the MIC is willing to go against an officially elected person so that they can have war with China, is still possible and the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs would quickly fall into line. 

Even though the Joint Chiefs are not on board with Trump, this does not rule out the participation of the second tier Generals in this counter coup. Base commanders and other "second tier" Generals and Admirals have nothing to lose because as I have stated, these Generals will all be executed in a Chinese takeover.  Will these 40 Generals, who support Trump be able to gain the troop support needed to pull this off? I am not sure. Will foreign assets be used to bolster the troops strength needed to pull of a counter coup and initiate military tribunals to indict those guilty of election fraud? Will the Chinese have war declared on this for election interference. I would love to answer in the affirmative because that would mean Trump would have a chance of serving 4 more years. However, the issue s not decided and there are a lot of moving parts to coordinate and the failure for one of these so-called moving parts to perform in Trump's favor, will doom this counter-coup to failure. However, you now know why Pelsoi, and the other Democrats, are freaking out! 

The Left is genuinely frightened. It all comes down to this, if Trump can salvage his Presidency, millions of Americans will be spared from going through a purge. However, an estimated 100,000 Americans will be tried for treason and the backlash will include generations of terrorism in opposition to conservative rule in America. If Biden-Harris prevail. Trump and his family will be arrested and I believe executed in order to make an example out them. Trump could be the modern day Czar Nicholas and their deaths could be imminent. If Trump loses, millions of you will be moving from your homes to your final destination in the Hotel FEMA as you await your final disposition. 

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