Wednesday, January 27, 2021

'Be A Daniel'...

Be A Daniel Not A Woe-be
Dennis Huebshman

Going to Daniel 6, we find a plot against Daniel because King Darius held him in high regard. Daniel served his king faithfully, and with total honesty. For this, the other high officials were jealous of him, and using Darius’ ego, had him sign a declaration that they knew Daniel would go against. No one was to “petition any other god than Darius for 30 days.”

Daniel knew this had been put into effect, yet he still got on his knees three times a day before an open window in his room that faced the direction of Jerusalem, and gave thanks to the Lord God Jehovah. This was not the first time Daniel defied the ruling of a king

When first taken as a captive to Babylon, Daniel and three of his friends refused the portion of food and wine offered them by King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel made an agreement with the steward over them, that Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and himself were to be given only water and vegetables for ten days. God honored Daniel and his friends, and their food was shown to be healthier than that supplied by the king.


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