Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Strange Happenings In DC? (At Capital ~ 3:00 am)

Mass arrest at the capitol?

[I just happened across this by accident. As usual, discernment and grain of salt, but if this is anything significant it would have prophetic implications. It could be a non-event completely, but I will post these kinds of things again with all the usual caveats. Also, the person taking the video was speculating on the reason for this, when there could be a number of explanations for this.]


AudioOutlaw said...

It's interesting this was going on last night and then today they announced a domestic terror warning. Connected perhaps?

Come soon, Lord

Scott said...

Audio - I think they said it was Monday - so the fact that we have heard nothing since (assuming I heard that correctly) gives me some level of skepticism - as with everything else these days, we'll see I suppose

AudioOutlaw said...

Ah, must have missed that about Monday. I'm with you on the skepticism. Too much false information and "Q" stuff out there (Look at how everything was false regarding Trump, his "chess playing" and the inauguration).

All we can do is watch but boy, I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home.

Scott said...

Having said that, clearly something unusual was going on at 3:00 am, beyond the ordinary, whatever it was.

Scott said...

Same Audio - Home sounds really nice right now - more than ever

Anonymous said...

The video is no longer available. What did I miss?