Monday, January 25, 2021

The Rise Of The 'Techno-Fascist Beast System'

Hohmann: The Rise Of The Techno-fascist Beast System Is Now ‘In Your Face’: It’s Called The Great Reset

The blatant, in-your-face assault on free speech by America’s largest tech companies is about more than just stifling political dissent – it’s about advancing the agenda of globalist technocrats with designs on seizing the world economy, says Patrick Wood, founder and director of Citizens for Free Speech.

In an interview with Joshua Phillip of the Epoch Times, Wood connected the dots between the Big Tech takeover of society, the “Great Reset” being launched this week in Davos by the World Economic Forum, and the ongoing attempt to crush free speech.

It’s all part of a global revolution now in progress. Yet few people are aware of what’s happening because coverage of the Great Reset has been blacked out by the corrupt, totally controlled establishment media.

You can watch this extremely important 27-minute interview with Wood below:

This revolution isn’t being fought with guns and tanks like the revolutions of old.

Its advocates walk in the halls of the United Nations, the Vatican, the International Monetary Fund, the British House of Windsor, the World Economic Forum, the European Union and now the White House. It’s allies work in the bureaucracies of the Washington swamp, in state Capitols and some of the clueless foot soldiers who staff your local City Hall.

Many Americans can sense that big changes are on the way now that President Trump is gone and Biden is blindly signing executive orders while grumbling to his handlers that “I don’t even know what I’m signing here” [see video].

Some may even call it a revolution, but they think it’s old-fashioned socialism that’s taking over. That’s not what Wood sees.

As he explains it, a technocracy blends certain elements of socialismfascism and corporate crony-capitalism to come up with a hybrid system.

The technocratic idea that drives the Great Reset is to remove the concept of private property and ownership from the masses, shifting ownership to the government and the elitist corporate overlords to form a new economic system. Look for the dollar to be destroyed and replaced with a new digital currency based on block chain technology.

In this new system, people will rent the things they need – vehicles [self-driving of course], living spaces, farmland, sources of information and entertainment, furniture, any tools used for work, etc.

“But somebody’s got to own them in order for others to rent them,” Wood points out.

Those ownership rights will rest solely with wealthy oligarchs, people with names like Gates, Rockefeller, Soros, Sachs, Bloomberg, Bezos, Buffet and Zuckerberg, along with foreign investors from China and Saudi Arabia will own pretty much everything.

As a certain point under this plan, society retreats into a type of neo-feudalism.

Writer Alex Newman observed the following about the Great Reset in his recent article for the New American:

“In the not-too-distant future, you will own absolutely nothing, but you will like it and ‘be happy,’ according to the totalitarians and Deep State globalists pushing what they call the ‘Great Reset.’ You will also have no privacy, they say. Everything will change. And yet, somehow, the advocates of this communistic-feudalistic vision of the future — the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the British royal family, and more — have decreed that ‘you’ll be happy.’”

If you really want to know what this new world will be like, Wood recommends reading Aldous Huxley’s 1932 novel, Brave New World.

Their goal is to shift as much of life as possible onto the Internet, leading to a virtual society run largely by computer algorithms. COVID jumpstarted this process, with thousands of people’s jobs, church services, business meetings, even weddings and funerals be conducted online through Zoom and other applications.

For those who want to believe the New York Times characterization of the Great Reset as a “conspiracy theory,” Wood advises them to check out the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset website and compare what they find there to the United Nations Agenda 2030 goals for Sustainable Development, which include a global ID system, global land management and open borders. At the state and local level, technocrats and their allies like to refer to their plans as “smart growth” for U.S. cities.

Among the things the promoters of the Great Reset want you to “give up” are your car, air travel and eating meat. The Europeans are already on board, according to an EU poll cited by the WEF.

In this new Great Reset environment, big business is serving as the enforcement arm of the state.

 “And we see big corporations all over the world jumping on board with it,” Wood said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AC will show up at the World Economic Forum in May introducing his beast system spawming the Great Reset aka NWO.