Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Is The U.S. Moving Towards Second Civil War?

We Are Witnessing The Second American Civil War Turn Hot

Susan Duclos

Social media giants allow direct threats against conservatives on their platforms, with claims those threats do not violate their terms, yet ban, suspend, and silence any conservatives that fight back.

Big tech has joined in by severing the services of conservative alternatives that offer true free speech with the censorship seen at Twitter and Facebook.

The liberal establishment media are actively cheering for this all out siege against conservatives.

And Democrats....... they have absolutely no idea how to sit down, shut up and allow people to calm, so they continue to poke the bear.

The problem for them now, is the bears cage door is open and they don't know it as they keep poking the bear through the bars.

Conservatives have finally awoken to that reality, and have started hitting back, as the protest at the capitol showed, where more than a million people attended to make their voices heard after being ignored for so long.

We have dealt with the outright attacks against online conservatives, a couple times last week, and things have not calmed down, in fact the conservative purge from the Internet is still ongoing.

No need to go over it all again, so those interested can read my previous two pieces about censorship, here and here.

Suffice it to say, there are many things happening all at once now, and the  powder keg that nearly everyone is watching warily, just waiting for a match to hit it, is already on fire and getting ready to blow sky high.

When it fully blows, this entire nation will be on fire, much like the cities Antifa burns, or the towns BLM destroy with looting.

Everyone is so busy screaming and screeching about the Capitol protests that they are missing the biggest point of those same protests. 

It was a warning. A shot across the bow. And it is being ignored in favor of liberals sound bites. 

 If more than a million people were able to travel to DC simply to protest their complaints being ignored and to show support for President Trump, exactly how many would be just as willing to stand up and protect their own communities?

Instead of comprehending the message sent, liberals are doubling down, intentionally stoking the flames as they rapidly head toward that powder keg we spoke of above.

Impeachment is now being waged against President Trump by Democrats, pay services like Stripe have just terminated services with the Trump campaign.....the attacks just keep on coming.

Here are a couple serious questions, and let me preface it with a quick disclaimer: We are not advocating for violence of offensive attacks, although we will always promote the right to defend ones self, family, neighbors and community.


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