Sunday, August 9, 2020

Analysis Of Beirut Explosion: Lithium Metal Used As Propellant In Military Missiles


And now an Italian explosives expert is speaking out about the massive blast that he says was likely a military missile warehouse.
Italian Danilo Coppe spoke with Heshmat Alavi about the nature of the Beirut blast.
Coppe believes the red plume is a sign of lithium metal used as a propellant in military missiles.
1) Italian explosives expert Danilo Coppe believes an ammo/explosives depot in #Beirut was the epicenter of the massive August 4 blast. The resulting orange cloud further confirms the existence of such a stock at the port.
2) “I don't think there was that amount of ammonium nitrate [2,750 tons] in the port of Beirut, or that there was a fireworks depot. Judging from the videos, it seems more like an explosion of an armament warehouse,” Coppe explains.
3) Coppe believes the images of the Beirut explosion have left several doubts on the initial official explanation of the blast.
4) “I don't believe in the ammonium nitrate theory for several reasons. First, the quantity: 2,700 tons would mean that someone built an Olympic size swimming pool and filled it with that substance,” Coppe says.
5) From those photos it seems that it was far less Nitroprill in the warehouse than 2,750 tons. Conditions are typical for bag/bulk material storage in many places in the world. Wouldn't be surprised that for six to seven years there, large quantity disappeared (stolen).
6) “The warehouse was over 100 meters long. It is not impossible that it contained those quantities & some documents seem to prove that the material was there for years… there should have been a catalyst, because otherwise it wouldn't all have exploded together,” Coppe adds.
7) “And then the ammonium nitrate, when it detonates, generates an unmistakable yellow cloud,” Coppe explains. In the Beirut blast, we clearly witnessed a brick orange/dark red cloud.
8) “Instead from the videos of the explosion, in addition to the white sphere that is seen to widen, which is air condensation by the sea, you can clearly see a brick orange column tending to dark red, typical of the participation of lithium,” Coppe adds.

9) Lithium? “… lithium-metal is the propellant for military missiles. I think there were armaments there,” Coppe adds. From “High power lithium technology for the military”
10) Coppe: “Between the 1st & 2nd blasts, what appears to be fireworks are seen to crackle. Fireworks don't behave like that. They have some explosives & the rest is cardboard/plastic. Upon explosion, they are preceded by whistles, absent in the videos.”
11) Coppe: “Ammo makes barrels all the same, like those seen before the great blast. I think there was a 1st blast, which may have started a fire where ammo was stored, which then spread to high explosive contained in rockets or missiles"

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