Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Signs Merging:

The Top 20 End Time Signs In Eschatology And Convergence In Biblical Prophecies


1.📖SCRIPTURE: The miraculous rebirth of Israel as a nation. Just as Isaiah 66:8 says, on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation in “one day.” This sign alone tells us we live in the last days before Jesus’ return to earth. At that time, the land of Israel was a barren wasteland just as Ezekiel 36:34-36 said it would be when Israel returned to the land. In verse 35 the prophet says, “The land that was desolate has become like the garden of Eden,” indicating how God would turn the desert into fruitful fields.
CURRENTLY IN PLAY: Today, Israel exports one billion dollars’ worth of fruits and vegetables. Is this not a fulfillment of Isaiah 27:6? God’s protection of the current nation of Israel has been nothing short of miraculous. Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War of 1967 compares with the victories we read about in the Old Testament such as those of Joshua and Gideon.

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