Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Push For Mandatory Vaccines Continues:

'Shame' and 'guilt' campaign planned to coerce COVID-19 vaccination

Some government leaders have insisted that the economy must remain locked down until a coronavirus vaccine is available.
President Trump has confirmed that several companies are rushing the development of a vaccine, and one could be available by winter.
But the non-profit Citizens' Council for Health Freedom in Minnesota is warning the impact of a vaccine could be worse than not having one.
CCHF said a vaccine could "backfire," noting Dr. Anthony Fauci's Senate testimony May 12 that there are "two major unknowns" about a vaccine.
"First, there's 'no guarantee' a COVID-19 vaccine will work and second, it could 'backfire,' strengthening the virus, CCHF said.
Fauci, the council noted, referenced two previous vaccines that produced a "suboptimal response" that "enhanced pathogenesis of the disease, which is always worrisome."
"I think we should very carefully listen to Dr. Fauci’s concerns," said Twila Brase, R.N., president and co-founder of CCHF. "No coronavirus vaccine has been developed despite earlier coronavirus pandemics."
She pointed out that a 2012 study on the coronavirus funded by Fauci's department made the virus more virulent in the test animals.
"The American public should be concerned about the possibility that a COVID-19 vaccine may 'backfire,'" Brase said.
In the 2012 study, CCHF said, SARS coronavirus vaccines were tested on mice, which were then exposed to the virus.
"Researchers discovered the mice, who were believed to have developed antibodies, had actually gotten sicker," CCHF said. "The study concluded the vaccines had made the coronavirus more virulent, and issued 'caution in proceeding to application of SARS-CoV vaccine in humans.'"

In fact, the study found the SARS-CoV vaccines "all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV."
"However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated."
A separate study by Yale on how to market a COVID-19 vaccine advised using messages of "shame" and "guilt" to coerce subjects to take it, even calling those who choose not to vaccinate "not brave."
The study advised using terms such as "self-interest," "community interest, "economic benefit," "guilty," "embarrassment," "anger," "trust in science" and "not bravery."

The study explained that part of the sample group "will be assigned to this message (not bravery) which describes how firefighters, doctors, and front-line medical workers are brave. Those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are not brave.

"The (anger) message is about the danger that COVID-19 presents to the health of one's family and community. The best way to protect them is by getting vaccinated and by working together to make sure that enough people get vaccinated. Then it asks the participant to imagine the anger they will feel if they don't get vaccinated and spread the disease.

"Some vaccine proponents are skipping the public relations campaign altogether and have called for mandatory vaccination and government penalties that deny access to services and ‘nonessential government benefits’ to those who refuse – eliminating any exemptions for religious or personal beliefs," CCHR said.
"Despite the danger of the vaccine backfiring, and before any of the vaccine trials have proven a vaccine to be safe and effective, proponents are busy figuring out how to force the public to get vaccinated," Brase said.
"Proponents want the unvaccinated banned from airplanes, buses, or trains, and want everyone to provide ‘evidence of immunization’ to enter public and private auditoriums and spaces. But Americans should be concerned about these proposals, this vaccine, and those who wish to ‘plunge it into their arm.’ People have no idea what they’re signing up for with this vaccine,” she concluded.


Caver said...

Does anyone else find it concerning to have such a headlong rush to this with so many red flags? First, how about complete immunity given to the manufacturer in case it causes harm. Second, its filled with chemicals known to cause autism, sterilization, and paralysis. Forty, at least some of the trial vaccines contain fetal tissue. Forth, its at a time in history when the deep state seems to be clamoring for population reduction, communism, compliance, and control.

Does "my body, my choice" apply to us too?

Maybe its a good time to just sit this one out.

Alice said...

Brother Caver, in my tiny circle of the world no one will be taking any vaccine - ever. I follow a lot of folks on social networks who will not take one, either. I think it’s safe to say that many people have become aware of what’s really going on.

Scott, thank you, as always. Both my husband and I check in here nearly every day.

Scott said...

Last time this happened and they rushed a vaccine was '76 and the swine flu vaccine - look it up, its legendary for the safety (neurological) issues. Looks like we are going to go down the same road if we aren't careful. Thanks Alice, God Bless :)