Saturday, August 29, 2020

Essay On Diapering:

Diapering Under Duress?

A reader sent in the following, which neatly encapsulates the dilemma so many of us face with regard to Face Diapering. My reply follows.
I coach track and cross country at the High School level. Our teams compete at a high level. We are always in the mix at the State meet. Many of my kids have gone on to compete in college several even in the Olympics.  I love your site because of the free and open discourse. It is elevating. The really horrible thing is that I have to put up with the Diaper in a limited way; if I do not I will be abandoning my athletes.
Fortunately we can doff the Diaper most of the time, hard to breath through a diaper when you are running.  Even us coaches run; we need to in order to follow our kids. The point is I could say, “I will not Diaper” then they would say fine, you are gone. I would rather do the de minimus and be there for these 13-19 year old kids. We do the minimum of Diapering. Most of the kids get it (that it is moronic). There is hope for the younger generation.
This is a very tough one, as kids are involved. If you were to refuse to Diaper – and forced to “retire” on account of it – you would likely be replaced by an ardent Diaperer; a person who would don the loathsome cultic symbol because he believed the cult’s tenets – and would proselytize them.
But with you – a Diaper Dissenter – the kids see an adult whom they know hasn’t drunk the Kool Aid. I am betting that, if asked by one about your thoughts on Diapering and the rest of it, you would give them the right answer. I would encourage you to be as blatant about your dissenting as you can “get away” with, as by using a bandana. As by purposely leaving your nose free to breath – and so on.
And yet, there is a counterargument to be made.
We are not – yet – at the stage where feigned obedience is one alternative and the other is a trip to a concentration camp or a ditch. Diaper Dissenters risk fines, loss of job and the opprobrium of the mentally ill. It is arguably not a heavy price to pay given the price that will be asked if it is not paid.
The Diaper Pushers (who are pushing Diapers to demoralize the populace, maintain a state of Sickness Siege and to thereby lay the foundation for the Needling and Tracking they are planning) require the complicity of good people such as yourself, who are willing to put up with a despicable thing for the sake of a good thing – i.e., being there for those kids. Your kindness is being used against you, in other words. In the same way that people’s instinctively protective attitude toward the elderly has been used to coerce their donning of the Diaper.
Granny might die . . . and you wouldn’t want to be responsible for that, would you?
Of course not. But that does not mean wearing a medically useless disposable Face Diaper – much less an old bandana – is going to prevent granny from dying, at least from anything you might be carrying, sans any symptoms. But even though your Undiapered self isn’t going to kill granny – unless you accidentally back over her with your car – you are guilted into not arguing with the believers that you will. To avoid hurting their feelings and raising a row, you don the symbol of the Sickness Cult.
This is not going to cure Sickness Psychosis, though.
Arguably, giving in to it spreads it. Normalizes it. Makes Needling inevitable, too. Especially for kids, who fall under the jurisdiction of the Gesundheitsfuhrers even more so than adults, who are at least not formally imprisoned in “public” (read, government) schools.
Kids are already being required to get Needled in order to be “schooled” by the government – an interesting double entendre.
The likelihood of a Corona Needling is very high, especially if the Fear is maintained. And Diapering is the essential prop device to do just that. If kids see Diapers everywhere – if they are forced to Diaper everywhere – they will become acclimated to Sickness Psychosis, by dint of already having submitted to it.
They will lose their will to fight – if they ever had any – if they see the adults in their lives Diapered up. They will reason – rightly – that if adults have to give in to this or do this willingly, there must be something to it and resistance is futile. Worse, the thought of resisting will never even occur to many of them, precisely because they see so much obedience by the adults around them.
Such as refusing to Diaper – for the sake of those kids. And letting those kids know why. Their parents, too. And letting them know that you will continue to coach them under Undiapered Auspices, as a club.
No fees – and no Diapers.
There is no reason – and no law – that says you can’t do this or that the kids who want to can’t join the club.
The same applies to churches that insist on Diapering and the other despicable “practices” that are being force upon us, in order for us to be allowed to do the normal things, abnormally.
Anyone’s backyard – or basement, if it comes to that – can be a church. Anyone’s garage can be a gym. And you can coach your kids just as well on your own – on any road or field or trail of your choosing – as you could under the auspices of the government.
Better, probably – as you’d be free of the government, Gesundheitsfuhrers and all the rest of it.
The price you and they would pay is not being allowed to compete within their system. But nothing says you can’t compete – and teach outside their system. Is a Stalin Prize valuable?
Sometimes, it is necessary to jump ship when the one you’re on won’t hold water. Or is infested with plague carrying rats.
That time has arguably come.

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