Wednesday, December 11, 2019

When Worship Of Politics/Government Becomes More Important Than Worship Of Jesus

[So political views override the celebration of the birth of Christ ? Interesting times]

How far would a church go to make a political point? Instead of a traditional manger scene, one California church took a jab at President Trump by putting Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in cages outside the church to attack U.S. border agents and immigration policies.

Karen Ristine, the “Senior Minister” of Claremont United Methodist Church had her church put up three large cages topped with barbed wire, and separated the three members of the holy family. Upon seeing the display of political art, she said it stirred her to tears.
Hijacking certain Bible verses (and taking many out of context), liberals and progressive churches have been pushing the narrative that Jesus and his parents were “refugees” and some go so far as to equate Jesus with an illegal alien.
Not only does this imply Jesus and his family had to break the laws of sovereign nations in order for God to carry out his will, but where in Scripture does it teach that government should take tax money from its citizens and care for anyone and everyone who wants help?
Using the hashtag #holyfamilyseparated to make her political point, Karen Ristine’s church played its hand as just another progressive congregation waving the flag of Christianity as cover for their social justice campaign.

First, let’s make it clear religion doesn’t save anyone. Salvation is a gift of God offered through His grace to whoever will believe, and it’s by our faith in Christ that we are saved from the judgment to come.
Second, it’s difficult to be unstained by the world while dirtying yourself in political debates but using the Bible to criticize government or a president. And third, always remember context when reading and applying Scripture. Always.

Using a blasphemous manger display with Jesus as a political pawn is both desperate and disappointing. Rather than share the gospel and the love of God, this just divides people and distracts from the meaning of Christmas.

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