Sunday, March 10, 2019

Things To Come: 'The System Is Critically Broken' - Hyperinflation And Financial Collapse Coming

Massive Secret Money Printing

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says $21 trillion in “missing money,” discovered in late 2017, is now a “national security” issue but is not a secret to the leaders of the rest of the world. 

Kirby explains, “The national governments around the world have become all too aware of the shenanigans that have gone on and the poor stewardship that has been illustrated by the keepers of the U.S. dollar, the world’s reserve currency. This is what is at the root of all of our international economic tension. 

This is what is really at the root of the difficulties and differences between the American regime, the Chinese regime and the Russian regime. These people are aware of what has transpired, and they are not going to tolerate what’s been done in the name of keeping the U.S. dollar propped up as the world’s reserve currency and the criminality that’s been involved in doing so.”Kirby warns, “Nobody could come to grips with the criminality that was present in our system. . . .   

The slow burn is probably not in the cards anymore. We are likely to see very significant change in the very near term going forward. . . . We are starting to see signs of admission that things are not as we were told they were . . . . The system is critically broken. It’s like Humpty Dumpty who fell off the wall. They can’t put the pieces back together again. People are going to have to come clean to what has truly transpired or they are going to be hung. The reality of what has transpired is coming to light whether people want to hear it or not.

With massive amounts of secret and not so secret money already created, what will happen to gold? Kirby says, “The price of gold will revalue itself once the carnage and the pieces are all on the ground and people around the globe realize the true enormity of the crimes that have been committed. The price of gold will revalue. It will revalue to a dramatically much higher price than we have been accustom to. That’s coming whether we like it or not. . . . We could see something like a real Roman candle in the price of gold. 

We could see the price do things we could have never ever imagined in the very near future. We are headed for a very, very serious round of inflation and probably a hyperinflation coming to the West. We will live to experience it, and this is baked into the cake. . . . The people in control of the U.S. dollar are very aware that this is coming too. This is why they are muscling up and talking more about gun control and putting in more pieces to implement a police state in America. They are very aware of what is coming.”

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