Thursday, November 8, 2018

Unusual Purple Glow In Sky Being Reported In Sky Over U.S.

Video: A strange purple glow is increasingly observed in the US sky

An unusual and strange purple glow is increasingly being reported illuminating the sky over different places in the United States. But the reason behind thise weird sky phenomnon remains unclear.

mysterious purple sky usa video, mysterious purple sky usa video october 2018, mysterious purple sky usa video november 2018
Mysterious purple sky keep up on appearing across the US but nobody knows why! via Youtube video
Here some witnesses’ testimonies and their videos recording the sange sky phenomenon
October 13, 2018 – Location: River Kuyahoga, Ohio – I went outside to make sure that it was not the light of the lamp and noticed that the purple sky was only in one place.
October 13, 2018 – Location: Cleveland, Ohio -I was heading to a gas station when I saw this strange light in the sky that I had never seen before.
October 26, 2018 – Location: Dayton, Ohio – Just saw it on the way to work. It seems that it was above the clouds, and not below it, and it was motionless. Strange …
October 27, 2018 – Location: Cleveland, Ohio. I keep seeing these weird purple lights, what is it?
October 31, 2018 – Location Bellevue, WA – Witness: A strange glow in recent days illuminates the sky and it is not a searchlight, I do not understand what it is.
November 4, 2018 – Location: Wisconsin -I have never seen anything like it. What is that purple light in the sky?
Here my articles about purple skies over Florida and Ohio during Hurricane Michael, over Santiago de Chile and over California.

1 comment:

CAL said...