Joel Rosenberg ties it all together:
Earlier this week, I flew back to the U.S. from Israel for several speaking engagements.
In the coming days, I speak (and blog) about the crumbling U.S.-Israel alliance, the Iran nuclear alliance, the horrific advance of the Islamic State across Syria and Iraq, and what happens to America, Israel and the nations of the Middle East according to Bible prophecy.
But I need to draw your attention to some of the most troubling headlines I have seen in years. The news in the Middle East is dark and getting darker, to be sure. But the headlines here in America are getting very dark as well — mass shootings around the nation, the slaughter of nine Christians inside the black church in Charleston, the 12 shot in a Louisiana movie theater, and four Marines gunned down in Chattanooga,all of which happened in July alone; Planned Parenthood executives caught discussing how best to sell hearts, lungs and brains from aborted babies; and now the unveiling of a sculpture of Satan in Detroit in what is being promoted as the largest public Satanic ceremony in American history.
No, this is not fiction. These are not plots of my future novels. This is all happening across America this month.
Consider the following:
- Undercover video shows Planned Parenthood official discussing fetal organs used for research (Washington Post)
- Second video shows Planned Parenthood doc haggling over price of fetal body parts (Fox News)
- The price of fetal parts (Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post)
- Planned Parenthood Selling Dead Baby Parts Put Liberal Media in a ‘Quandary’ (Bill O’Reilly, Fox News)
I am absolutely sickened by these videos in which Planned Parenthood executives discuss — so coldly, so cruelly — the selling of human body parts over a lunch of salad and wine.
Captured on tape by the undercover video sting operation of a pro-life organization, these two executives discuss without shame or remorse how they would be happy to ask doctors who perform abortions on human babies to be extra careful to kill the babies in such a way that their livers, lungs, brains and other body parts can be extracted intact and sold. One Planned Parenthood leader says the babies can be killed in a “less crunchy” way. The other casually jokes that she’d like to make enough money from the sales of these body parts to buy “a Lamborghini.”
Have you watched the videos? Please do, and please share them with others. People need to know the truth. The mainstream media is giving some coverage to the story, but not nearly enough. This is sick. This is barbaric. This is the stuff of Dr. Mengele and the Nazis, and it isn’t happening on the other side of the world in Auschwitz; it is happening right in America every day.
Planned Parenthood is an organization that kills more than 300,000 babies in the womb every year. It also receives more than a half-billion dollars a year of federal money — that’s right, your taxpayer dollars and mine. Congress should immediately cut off all taxpayer funds to the group. PP should be investigated for criminal activity (it is illegal to sell body parts for profit). Congress should also immediately pass pending legislation to ban abortion after 20 weeks. And pro-life legislators and activists in Washington, D.C. and the States need to make a new push to end abortion once and for all in this nation.
Since 1973, more than 57 million babies have been aborted in this country. Their innocent blood is crying from the ground for justice, and God is listening. If we do not plead for His forgiveness and turn this thing around, judgment is coming.
These headlines alone would be horrific enough. But it gets worse. Consider this headline just published today:
- Group To Unveil Satan Statue In Detroit During ‘Largest Public Satanic Ceremony In History’ (AP/CBS Detroit)
Here are excerpts from this story, published by the Associated Press and CBS News in Detroit:
- A group is planning to unveil an 8-foot-tall bronze statue featuring a goat-headed Satan in Detroit during a gathering that’s being billed as the “largest public satanic ceremony in history.”
- The Satanic Temple has said Saturday’s private event will be open only to people with tickets, $25 each.
- Invitations to “The Unveiling” summoned guests to prepare for “a night of chaos, noise, and debauchery… Come dance with the Devil and experience history in the making.” The event location is not being announced publicly and is known only to those with tickets.
- The group said the bronze Baphomet monument, which weighs about one ton and has never been seen before in public, “is not only an unparalleled artistic triumph, but stands as a testament to plurality and the power of collective action.” The statue, which backed by an inverted pentagram and flanked by statues of two young children gazing up at the creature, shows Satan with horns, hooves, wings and a beard.
- The group went on to say the unveiling event “will serve as a call-to-arms from which we’ll kick off our largest fight to date in the name of individual rights to free exercise against self-serving theocrats.”
- Photography is strictly prohibited at the 18-and-older event unless, of course, you’re a $75 VIP ticket holder. Those partygoers will have an exclusive opportunity to be photographed seated on the Baphomet monument…..
- The statue had been planned for the state Capitol in Oklahoma City until Oklahoma’s Supreme Court banned a monument of the Ten Commandments on Capitol grounds.
- Detroit was ultimately selected for the unveiling because The Satanic Temple in the city has a “strong congregation,” with more than 200 registered members….
It is sobering how rapidly evil is rising in this country, how brazen, how public. We need to humble ourselves. We need to get on our knees. We need to seek Christ’s forgiveness and His mercy on this country. We need to do it now, or we will face the consequences foretold in the Bible thousands of years ago.
Consider just one passage of many:
“7 At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it; 8 if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. 9 Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it; 10 if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it.” (Jeremiah 18:7-10)
- “Israel, Iran & ISIS: What’s next?” I’ll be speaking about this in Denver on August 6th) — register today for tickets to the event.
- Is Bible prophecy relevant for our troubled times? (7 videos from a seminar I co-taught with Anne Graham Lotz on Bible prophecy.)
Caroline Glick gives her perspective (this video is worth watching):
The event originally was to take place at a Detroit restaurant, but the venue’s owner said he canceled it after learning
of the statue’s unveiling and of the Satanic Temple’s involvement. The group said they were very transparent, though, signing the contract as the “Satanic Temple.”
Yeah right.
That's a credible claim.
Or not.
Don't get me wrong, there's something supremely creepy, disgusting, and vile about carefully preserving the living human body parts of a lovely little healthy human baby boy or girl during the process of purposefully murdering and dismembering him or her. But is the killing of the baby itself any less supremely creepy than selling her parts for profit? Is the intentional murder of an innocent child for convenience any lessdisturbing than selling the little one's lungs or liver?
Apparently in America - the land of "the free" and the home of "the brave" - the answer is: Yes!
That's how far we've fallen.
That's how desensitized and evil we've become.
Jeannie DeAngelis pretty much nails the hyper-insanity our profoundly corrupt American way on this most telling of subjects in Cash-4-Cadavers: What's So Shocking about Selling Baby Parts?
Therefore, all things considered -- including moral relativism -- the most surprising part of the Cash-4-Cadavers controversy is that ordinary people who are generally unfazed by 4,000 babies a day being brutally slaughtered are suddenly horrorstruck that babies, after being dismembered with America's approval, have had their hearts and livers sold for a price." (bold emphasis added - SAB)
Anyone still comfortable looking down on Nazi Germany from their proud American perch? (See: 51,000,003 reasons why America owes Nazi Germany an apology.)
Anyone still think there's no fundamental problem with pretending that "We the People" have the power to define our own reality? (See: Note to 'Merica: There is no "God-given right" to worship false gods. Repent accordingly.)
Anyone still under the impression that there is real hope for America apart from broken repentance and complete submission to Christ as King in practice? (See: Will America repent or will America be destroyed?)
Anyone still thinking we can go right on claiming and applying our imagined "right" to allow everything from porn production to the murder of our own children for convenience without the God who gives all true rights grinding us under the heels of His holy judgment? (See: Note to 'Merica: There is no "God-given right" to murder children.)
Sadly, the answer to each of these questions still seems to be yes for most Americans...including most professing Christians in the land.
". . . What exactly do most Americans think goes on in an abortion clinic when two living entities enter the facility and only one emerges? Do Americans view sellingdismembered dead babies as worse than dissecting them while they're still alive? And why, after abortion has been acceptable to America for 40+ years, are so many people disturbed by what happens to the legal victims of terminated pregnancies after they're killed?
Meanwhile, as outraged as Americans are in reaction to the horror that's been laid bare,the blood of 60 million baby lambs being silently slaughtered for convenience stains the hands of a nation whose sin is the same as those who watched the smoke rising from the chimneys at Auschwitz while professing not to know what was going on inside."
Even Hitler would find it hard to miss the uber-evil in what we do...though most Americans don't seem to notice it much at all anymore, at least not enough to do anything about it.
This is what "freedom" looks like apart from submission to Christ as King.
This is what "liberty" smells like when "We the People" deem ourselves worthy of setting His unbreakable Word aside.
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