Sunday, March 10, 2019

Is The Building Of The Third Temple Imminent?

Trump Administration, Rabbis, And Top-Secret Plan To Build Third Temple

Dr. Thomas Horn

PART 5: Principalities Join Powers Behind Earthly Governments In Third Temple Scheme

According to dispensationalist Christians, principalities and powers manipulate earthly governments, and the forthcoming Third Temple construction project sits in the navel of an end-times clock that, once initiated, will quickly count down to arrival of Antichrist, Armageddon, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. That’s the real reason secret meetings over control of the Temple Mount are proceeding outside the public’s view. 

Yet for the perceptive—those “with eyes to see and ears to hear,” as the Bible puts it—we clearly understand what is behind Palestinian and Muslim news agencies worried over the fact that:

“‘Saudi Arabia is currently investing a great deal of behind-the-scenes effort into taking away from Jordan its guardianship of the holy sites of Jerusalem,’ a senior official in the Palestinian Authority (PA) told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. The pressure seems linked to the Saudis’ friendly relations with the United States, and with President Donald Trump’s desire to win Arab support for his Middle East peace plan, which Jordan has not backed.”[i]

As I explained recently on The Hagmann Report, until the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi—who publicly opposed the policies of Saudi Arabia’s new heir, Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman—the Saudi prince had been assiduously cultivating a relationship with Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner (who has spent dozens of hours in phone calls and private meetings with the crown prince cementing a personal relationship with him[ii]) to guard the pursuits of his administration and Arabian interests in the US Congress and around the world. 

In trade for—or as part of—this diplomacy, the prince began speaking publicly in support of Israel having a right to their own land,[iii] and he even met in 2018 with American evangelical Christians “as the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom seeks to open up more to the world and repair an image of religious intolerance.”[iv] Now that the CIA believes the Saudi prince may have played a role in the murder of Khashoggi, it is unclear what effect this may have on US relations.

Regardless, I am told and do believe that placing management of the Temple Mount into the hands of Saudis and progressive or “secular” Muslims and the US administration would be, by design, intentionally inching the world toward one aspect of Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” for Middle East peace (though the Third Temple negotiation could be part of a separate later agreement) that cannot yet be uttered involving compromises that could ultimately allow for construction of the Third Temple. 

Even the secretary-general of the Muslim World League recently took “the unprecedented and potentially controversial step of urging Muslims to form a delegation alongside Christians and Jewish religious leaders to visit Jerusalem as a step toward peace.”[v]  

More recently Israeli activists began what could be viewed as a “step one” toward building the Third Temple by calling on the Israeli government “to establish a synagogue on the Temple Mount and open it for Jewish prayer.” [vi]

Besides Muslim authorities, the United States, and Saudis, another powerful player that has shown interest in controlling the Temple Mount will assuredly play a role in the eschatology surrounding it. Let’s consider this force from Rome.

The Vatican, the Third Temple, and the Burdensome Stone

As investigated by myself and Cris Putnam in our bestselling book Petrus Romanus, there is ample evidence to suggest that the Vatican has had a long-running interest in controlling Jerusalem and, by extension, the Temple Mount—with possibly the objective of a Third Temple.

Over the last decade alone, surreptitious negotiations have included Netanyahu seeking to give David’s Tomb to the Vatican,[vii] claims that the Vatican is hoarding Second Temple treasures until geopolitics allow for a rebuilt Temple under their control,[viii] and even efforts by the United States via Secretary of State John Kerry involving plans “for eastern Jerusalem that calls for an international administrative mandate to control holy sites in the area” including the Temple Mount. Kerry’s plan recommended a coalition under Vatican oversight with Muslim countries such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia.[ix]

This final seven-year period will begin when the future Roman prince “confirms a covenant” that will involve the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem, which many evangelical scholars connect to a “deal” resulting in the building of the Third Temple. 
“Peace negotiations in the Middle East must tackle the issue of the status of the holy sites of Jerusalem,” Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, head of the Vatican’s Council for Interreligious Dialogue, declared several days ago in Rome.
The Vatican’s former foreign minister asked to place some Israeli holy places under Vatican authority, alluding to the Cenacle on Mount Zion and the garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.
The first site also houses what is referred to as King David’s tomb.[xiv]
As stated earlier, if you take the Bible seriously, Jerusalem has a prophesied future as the spiritual capital of the world, and for this reason, there are natural and supernatural interests in who controls its axis. The Hebrew prophets all spoke of a golden age, a righteous reign of the Messiah, and their oracles often included references to Jerusalem (Isaiah 44:26–28, 52:1–10; Joel 2:28–3:21). Of course, before that happens, we expect a usurper to sit in a rebuilt Third Temple declaring that he is God. As we will examine, there seems to be evidence that the Vatican wants to participate in building that Temple. We now come full-circle to the bombshell 2008 leaked classified US State Department memo that recorded this exchange between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (CR) and Dr. Saeb Erekat (SE), a Palestinian representative:

CR: I understand that there is no agreement without Jerusalem. 1967 as a baseline. But if we wait until you decide sovereignty over the Haram or the Temple Mount…your children’s children will not have an agreement! Sometimes in international politics you need to have a device to solve the problem later. When it comes to holy sites, no one will argue the sovereignty of the other—leave it unresolved [i.e. both Palestine and Israel could simultaneously claim sovereignty over the Haram].

There are two other issues—who will administer? Make sure that the sewer system, the municipal issues are resolved [notes that this was a problem in Berlin], safe access to all the holy sites for all. I understand that this worked well before 2000. Some kind of custodians appointed by the world, possibly religious figures, non-governmental people.… 

Jesus spoke of the “abomination of desolation” as a future event occurring just prior to His return: “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)” (Matthew 24:15). The seventieth week includes “the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate,” and Jesus mentions Daniel explicitly so one cannot take Him seriously while arguing that the events of the seventieth week are previous history. Furthermore, the population forming the context of this prophecy was Daniel’s people, the Jews, and the covenant violation is interference in the Temple sacrifice. Accordingly, we believe that the “covenant with many” speaks to the two-state solution for the Israel/Palestinian issue and forecasts the Tribulation Temple being built in Jerusalem.

Time will tell, but one thing is certain. Not in our lifetime has more interest been raised in building the Third Temple, around which and in which religious and political figures will soon rise in a theater of fantastic finality.

Other secular writers appear similarly suspicious that Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy there extends end-times “messaging” to his conservative Christian base...he is telling them he understands and sympathizes with their eschatological worldview and that, when the time is right, he will offer full-throated voice in support of the Third Temple.

Having said that, any successful attempt at garnering support for a reconstructed Temple in Jerusalem will indeed require enough multicultural and international support. players are quietly moving chess pieces clandestinely toward a sooner-than-later realization of a rebuilt Temple.

In the parlance of Sherlock Holmes, the game is afoot!
Who might some of these powerful players be? My investigation leads to include:
  • Trump, of course, and his Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner, who have been working behind the scenes on aspects of a Middle East peace deal.
  • Influential rabbis in Israel, some of whom have already recognized Trump as a source of inspiration for the Third Temple.
  • And then there are right-wing Knesset members, the Yeraeh organization, Temple Mount loyalists, and other advocacy groups.
  • Shockingly, even some Muslim scholars believe the Third Temple can now become a collaborative effort between them and the Jews. This include Zia H Shah MD, chief editor of the Muslim Times.[vi] Yehuda Glick, a prominent Jewish advocate for the Third Temple, is even actively nurturing such interfaith dialogue, and recent reports claim progress to this end has been made with Muslim authorities.
  • Some believe Brazil’s recent election of Jair Bolsonaro—who unabashedly embraces Christianity and supports Israel—could mark the beginning of the Third Temple, “which some believe will be initiated in South America in a process that has already begun.”[vii] Evangelicals wielding voting power across Brazil and Latin America are not hiding the fact that they believe “Jews should rebuild their biblical temple in Jerusalem, which is a key step in a series of events that will lead to a second coming of Jesus Christ on Earth.”[viii]
  • The powerful Jewish Sanhedrin also recently showed their hand, advising Jerusalem mayoral candidates “to include in their plans for this city the rebuilding of the third temple.”[ix]


Whether or not circumstances will be sufficient to build the new Temple before America elects (or re-elects) its next president in 2020, what the rabbis in Israel believe Donald Trump started in 2016 may well have laid the foundation upon which the Man of Sin shall reign.

If so, did the year of his election—2016—hold specific prophetic significance? Did something start in 2016 like a clock winding down to this momentous event(s)?
“Those members of the clergy that laid hands on Trump and prayed at the New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, September 21, 2016 must have thought so,” I wrote in my book Saboteurs, “as did other prominent Christian leaders during the campaign and most of the clergy that offered invocations at his unforgettable inauguration. Some of these Christians trust in Trump’s statement of faith, while others simply see him as imperfect but chosen by God.”

Rabbi Hillel Weiss is a Trump-Messiah-connection believer, too, and he also sees in the president the agent of God’s favor for building the Third Temple, another Cyrus linking.[iii]
Then there is the Sanhedrin in Israel, the nascent tribunal that has styled itself after the Second Temple-era Jewish court, which has sent letters to Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin asking them to join forces to build the Third Temple for Messiah.
Professor Weiss is a spokesman for the Sanhedrin and notes how Donald Trump made support for Israel and recognition of Jerusalem as their capital part of public discourse during 2016. Combining that with Putin’s expressed opinion that the Third Temple ought to be built now caused him to say that both men should do what King Cyrus did 2,500 years ago and build the religious complex for the benefit of all Jews and the world. “We are poised to rebuild the Temple,” Weiss said, and “the leaders of Russia and America can lead the nations of the world to global peace through building the Temple, the source of peace.”[iv]

PART TWO: The Game Is Afoot!

Since the 1980s, the Temple Movement has been steadily working in earnest to gather and prepare the critical elements and to even train the priesthood that will serve in the new religious complex seated in Jerusalem. The importance of these efforts throughout parts of the Orthodox Jewish community and machinations of global political interests will become clearer as we reveal the Temple’s role in what rabbis believe has already started—the first stage of the messianic process (Moshiach Ben Yosef, or “Messiah from the house of Joseph”), which is described as the practical and social precursor to the second stage of the Messiah’s appearing as Moshiach Ben David (“Messiah from the house of David”) that includes reinstitution of Temple services for the third and final sanctuary under a Davidic dynasty.

And then there is a third possibility involving how the Third Temple could be built. On June 18, 2009, it was announced in Jerusalem as a result of theological research that “a prophetic rabbi” could allow for an extension of the Temple Mount to be made, on which the third Jewish Temple could be constructed. In an article called “A New Vision for God’s Holy Mountain,” Ohr Margalit, rabbinical studies professor at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, wrote that “the scenario of a holy revelation given to an authentic prophet that the temple be rebuilt on the current or an extended Temple Mount in peaceful proximity to the Dome, Al Aqsa Mosque, and nearby Christian shrines” is all it would take to approve such a plan.

According to Jewish law…such a prophetic mandate would then be binding. It would also be in keeping with the words of the twelfth-century Jewish sage Maimonides that Christianity and Islam are part of God’s ultimate plan “to direct the entire world to worship God together.” Interestingly, Theodore Herzl, the preeminent secular Zionist, detailed the same vision for a rebuilt temple in peaceful proximity to Islamic and Christian shrines on what he called “the holy region of mankind.[iv]

...devout groups including the Temple Mount Faithful and the Temple Institute in Jerusalem are busy restoring and constructing the sacred vessels and vestments that will be used for service in the new Temple at the arrival of Messiah (see 

While not all Evangelicals agree, some dispensationalist students of prophecy recognize the importance of such plans as signaling the coming of Antichrist and view Old and New Testament Scriptures as explaining that a false Jewish messiah will appear, enthroning himself as God in the Temple in Jerusalem, but afterward, he will defile the holy place by setting up a sacrilegious object—perhaps an image of himself—in the Temple and ordering the sacrifices and offerings to cease (see Daniel 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:3–4). For any of this to occur, it is necessary for the Temple to be rebuilt, thus making claims by Freemasons or other groups interested in fulfilling this monumental task interesting in light of unfolding end-times events.

Connected to all this, I will ultimately make the forceful argument that, when the time is right, US President Donald Trump will, as the rabbis in Israel hold, play a key role by speaking in favor of the Third Temple’s construction. When that happens, it will ignite the single most important and prophetic event in our lifetime. Unfortunately for those who at first find great joy in the Temple’s reconstruction, exuberance will be short-lived and will ultimately cave to terror.
On this order, did you know that:
  • The architectural plans for the Third Temple have already begun?[i]
  • The Sanhedrin—the nascent tribunal that has styled itself after the Second Temple-era Jewish court—recently instructed Jerusalem mayoral candidates to include in their plans the building of the Third Temple?[ii]
  • At the close of 2018, the Sanhedrin also invited seventy nations to dedicate the altar for the Third Temple:[iii] The number seventy (70) is connected to the Watchers and the arrival of Antichrist in the final days.
  • Evangelical Christians and Jews gathered in Jerusalem at the close of 2018 for an interfaith conference aimed at joining efforts to help build the Third Temple for inaugurating the “Messianic Era”?[iv]
  • Freemasons in the US and Israel have been secretly planning for decades to build the Third Temple?
  • Jews are increasingly demanding access to the Temple Mount with visions of building the Third Temple?
  • In September 2018, a newborn red heifer was certified by a board of rabbis as fulfilling all the biblical requirements for Temple service, a prerequisite for “the biblically mandated process of ritual purification for impurity that results from proximity or contact with a dead body. Because the elements needed for this ceremony have been lacking since the destruction of the Second Temple, all Jews today are considered ritually impure, thereby preventing the return of the Temple service”?[v] That is, until now.
  • A growing number of rabbis in Israel view Donald Trump as a Cyrus-like figure, whom the God of Israel raised up to initiate the “Messianic era” and the construction of the Third Temple?[vi]
  • Saudi Arabia, Jewish religious leaders, and Donald Trump are negotiating behind the scenes to transfer control of Israel’s holy sites—including the Temple Mount—to the Saudis, to complete a “peace covenant” that could result in, among other things, the building of the Third Temple (more revealed on this later).
  • Even some Muslim scholars have come to believe the time has arrived to build the Third Jewish Temple?[vii]

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