Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The Future's Uncertain & The End Is Always Near

The Future's Uncertain & The End Is Always Near

Are you not entertained by the never-ending bs, propaganda, false flags, threats, and revelations produced by those running the show and regurgitated by their captured media mouthpiece whores? The absolute tsunami of misinformation and political theatrics spewing over the airwaves is surely designed to distract the public from something more sinister, diabolical, and self-serving to the Deep State renegades who still wield the real power in this world. Nothing is as it seems. If ever there was a time to keep your hands upon the wheel and eyes upon the road, it is now. They have turned up the volume of misinformation and fear mongering to eleven.

The level of gaslighting and misleading the public about the true nature of our circumstances has reached historic levels. Half the country thinks everything done to Americans over the last four years in the name of a dementia ridden, child sniffing husk occupying the White House, was done in good faith, with their best interests at heart. The other half are ecstatic their savior will do what he said he’d do, even though he didn’t do what he said he would do the first time. Is it really possible to make America great again at this stage of our empire collapse?

The show will go on until the directors decide it is time to take down the scenery, pull back the curtains, and reveal the prison like walls they have constructed while you were being entertained by their theatrical production of America the Free. There has been no true freedom for Americans since at least the early 20th Century, before the Fed, the income tax, and women voting. And truthfully, probably very limited freedom since Lincoln’s expansion of Federal power during the Civil War.

The Uni-Party is pulling out all the stops to keep the ignorant masses on each side equally ignorant, keeping them: hopeful, fearful, angry, joyful, retribution seeking, denying culpability, utilizing lawfare, and distracted by whatever new plotline is dreamed up by the producers of this dystopian show of shows. Besides the daily venomous attacks on Trump’s cabinet nominees by the Deep State controlled media, the U.S. government now supports the terrorists running Syria and continues to condone the Greater Israel agenda of the murderous head of the Israeli state.

Biden’s controllers are sending tens of billions more to Zelensky, while allowing Americans to freeze in tents in NC and Georgia. In Biden’s waning days, pretending to be president, his controllers are attempting to maximize global chaos and implement traitorous domestic machinations to hurt Trump and the American people as much as humanly possible. He’s the Oprah of pardons and commutations for murderers, rapists, and pedophiles. You get a pardon; you get a pardon.

For two weeks, the latest fear invoking storyline was the mysterious drones swarming the northeastern U.S., while the federal government denied knowing anything, and at the same time leaked rumors about radioactivity being detected in ports on the east coast. Throw in further rumors they were Chinese or Iranian drones or UFOs, and you’ve got an excellent psy-op designed to distract the public from what is really happening. Now they are once again rolling out the discredited murderous plandemic “science experts” (Fauci, Birx, Wen) to hyperventilate about the dreaded bird flu that will kill us all, unless we begin mass testing and vaccinations. Oh, the horror!!!

This production of fear is designed to distract from the real issues. The true economic condition of the country is frighteningly unsustainable and propelling the nation towards a disastrous rendezvous with destiny. The lunatics in control of Biden, along with the supposed GOP fiscal conservatives in the House somehow managed to add $2.3 trillion to the national debt in the last fiscal year. They will add another $400 billion by the time Trump is inaugurated. The national debt stands at $36.1 trillion, up $8.4 trillion (30%) during Biden’s reign of error.

Interest on the existing debt will exceed $1 trillion this year, as interest rates continue to rise, even though the Fed has cut short-term rates by 1%, with inflation remaining above 3% and the economy supposedly growing strongly. None of this makes logical sense because all reported government figures are fake, manipulated, or massaged to achieve a happy ending. The government is siphoning more than enough in taxes from you and me. It is the insane level of government spending marking the death knell of this empire of debt.

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