Wednesday, September 11, 2024

United Nations legal officer is caught on camera stating the UN’s ambition to become a world government


At the end of last month, an associate legal officer in the UN Treaty Section was caught on hidden camera admitting that the United Nations (“UN”) has ambitions to be a one-world government with its own military power.

In two weeks, the UN is hoping 193 countries will adopt the Pact for the Future, originating from the UN Secretary General’s ‘Our Common Future’.  Our Common Future is António Guterres’ vision to “strengthen global governance for present and future generations.”

At the end of last month, Mug Club Undercover recorded Jorge Paoletti, a self-described “Globalist” and a legal affairs official in the UN Treaty Section, saying: “They created this institution [the UN] which is the closest we’ve ever got to kind of like a world government. A world state,” Paoletti said.

“Like a one-world government?” the undercover reporter asked.  “Exactly,” Paoletti responded.

In Paoletti’s words, the UN aspires to be a globalist world government that rules over Earth’s citizens, all of whom would be forced to adhere to a uniform identity.

“One of the objectives of the UN is to create an identity of a global citizen … of someone who shares an identity, a political identity, with everyone on this planet,” he said.

Paoletti lamented, however, that the UN is not as effective as it should be – though this could change if the organisation had military power.

“The United Nations does not have its own army,” Paoletti said.

“Should it?” the undercover journalist asked.  “Absolutely,” the official responded.

We have embedded Louder with Crowder’s video below to begin at the Mug Club Undercoversection.

As The Gold Report highlighted, this revelation comes within weeks of the Summit of the Futurewhen dignitaries from around the world will gather at the UN headquarters in New York to sign the ‘Pact for the Future’ (“Pact”).

The Pact demands that “member states [ ] repeatedly ‘reaffirm’ their ‘unwavering commitment’ to the UN, its charter, its purposes, its principles and Agenda 2030. They vow to comply with the UN’s International Court of Justice and promise to ‘reform the international financial architecture’,” The Gold Report said.

“Altogether, the document lists 60 actions that member states should take. In nearly all of them, the agreement makes it clear that the countries’ interests revolve around the UN and its globalist systems,” The Gold Report added.

But that’s not all. Buried towards the end of the Pact is a requirement that member states embed UN “agreements and resolutions” in their own national laws.

The Pact will be accompanied by two annexed documents: the ‘Global Digital Compact’ and the ‘Pact for the Future Implementation Roadmap’, a detailed plan for implementing the Pact’s commitments, including timelines, responsibilities and indicators for tracking progress.  You can find links to copies of all three documents on the UN’s website HERE (scroll down to the section titled ‘Outcome documents and letters from the co-facilitators’).

After the Summit, the UN will monitor the implementation of the pact by countries who have signed up to it, with regular reviews and assessments to ensure progress and accountability.

The UK has expressed its commitment to the Summit of the Future.  Even though the UK has participated in the practical consultations on preparations for the Summit which began in February 2023, the specific signatory representative from the UK, the person who will sign the Pact, has not been publicly disclosed. Perhaps it is the UK’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dame Barbara Woodward, and other “relevant officials” that have been and will represent the country in the Pact’s discussions and negotiations? But without public disclosure, we are left to wonder who is negotiating and committing our present, future and future generations to a foreign organisation that is under the control of unelected, unaccountable and unknown bureaucrats.

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