Wednesday, September 11, 2024

"The Stage Has Now Been Set For A Full-Fledged Effort By The United Nations To Destroy The Jewish State'

Prof. Anne Bayefsky: 'PA Gen. Assembly resolution declares open season on Israelis'

Professor Anne Bayefsky, President of Human Rights Voices and Director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, spoke to Arutz Sheva - Israel National News about the United Nations General Assembly resolution drafted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) demanding a complete Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria within six months and many international actions against Israel.

Prof. Bayefsky began, "The stage has now been set for a full-fledged effort by the United Nations to destroy the Jewish state by means of the first-ever wholly Palestinian-drafted resolution. It is scheduled for adoption at an 'Emergency Session' of the General Assembly on September 17 and 18, 2024."

She explained how the PA was allowed to submit such a resolution. "Post-October 7, the General Assembly upgraded the status of what the organization labels the 'State of Palestine.' The move was an obvious reward for terrorism and had the predictable effect on Palestinian strategy: more terror and more intransigence

The upgrade included the power 'to submit proposals' and to 'introduce them.' That was May 10, 2024 and the new powers were to take effect from the start of the 79th session of the General Assembly, which begins today, September 10, 2024. The result was immediate: a 'State of Palestine' resolution dedicated to Israel’s delegitimization and demolition."

"The Palestinian resolution castrates Israel’s very legitimacy by claiming that the country is engaged in apartheid and 'particularly severe forms of racial discrimination,'" she said.

"Apartheid is a crime against humanity. Allegedly, modern Israel – founded in the wake of the most egregious crimes against humanity in our age – perpetrates crimes against humanity. To the resolution’s authors, facts don’t matter. Apartheid 'Palestine' is the planned state where no Jew will be tolerated, while in Israel, Arabs have more rights and freedoms than in any Arab state. It’s a classic Nazi antisemitic inversion technique. Switch victim and perpetrator," Prof. Bayefsky said.

According to Prof. Bayefsky, "The resolution marks the return of the General Assembly’s 1975 Zionism-is-racism libel. In fancier updated lingo, Israel is said to 'treat Palestinians differently on grounds prohibited by international law' that 'amounts to prohibited discrimination and constitutes systemic discrimination based on, inter alia, race, religion or ethnic origin.'”

She stated that "the resolution seeks to terminate the viability of the Jewish state by introducing a global system of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS). "

"BDS extends to what is referred to as 'Israeli settlements and their associated regime.' The resolution demands an end to 'any engagement, directly or indirectly, with any businesses or services operating in the settlements.' It applies BDS to a definition of 'occupied Palestinian territory' that purports to include Judaism’s holiest sites for over 2,000 years, Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and its Western Wall," she said.

"Reference is made to Israel’s alleged obligations to 'the full implementation of all relevant UN resolutions,' a plethora of poisonous life-threatening demands upon Israel adopted over more than half a century. The resolution makes demands that it specifically defines as 'without prejudice to further reparation owed by Israel for damage caused prior to 1967.' The resolution says it is acting on the Advisory Opinion on the UN’s World Court (ICJ) in July. Not legally-binding, the ICJ opinion was presided over by a Lebanese politician and former UN ambassador dressed up as a judge. In his own opinion he said: 'while Israel’s policies and practices in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 clearly constitute a violation of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination, the failure to respect this right dates back to 1948 and not 1967.'”

"Make no mistake: turning back the clock to pre-date the creation of modern Israel is the goal," Prof. Bayefsky declared.

"In the meantime, the resolution sets up a specific plan of action to demolish Israel, including: (1) a new entity to create 'an international register of damage…to the Palestinian people' in order to fabricate astronomical fines as 'reparation,' (2) full support for criminal 'prosecutions' and throwing Israelis into prison in the Hague, (3) the convening of a new international conference 'to advance implementation' of every antisemitic anti-Israel UN resolution throughout history called 'the UN resolutions pertaining to the Question of Palestine,' (4) the establishment of a new UN apartheid committee mirroring the 'Special Committee on the Policies of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa' that was created in 1962, this time dedicated to wiping an alleged 'apartheid' Israel off the map (in diplomatic double-talk, 'to examine…to report and make recommendations.')"



Anonymous said...

The anti Israel crowd has changed the paradigm from post 1967 to pre 1967. Next up an attempt to revocate the November 29, 1947 UN General Assembly Resolution 181 and expel Israel from the planet.

Anonymous said...

They can plan all they want, but GOD has all ready determined the outcome.