Saturday, September 14, 2024

Spain on the Brink: Open Borders Unleash a Criminal Invasion, Vox Sounds the Alarm

Spain on the Brink: Open Borders Unleash a Criminal Invasion, Vox Sounds the Alarm (Video)

“This invasion cannot continue. It is not sustainable, nor is it justifiable,” said José Antonio Fúster, national spokesperson for Vox.

As Spain grapples with the onslaught of illegal immigration, Vox has taken a bold stand, voicing what many Spaniards feel but are often silenced from saying. During a powerful speech in Tenerife, Vox spokesperson José Antonio Fúster laid out the harsh realities of open borders, describing how illegal migrants are overwhelming the Canary Islands. His message was unmistakable: “This invasion cannot continue. It is not sustainable, nor is it justifiable.”

Tenerife: The Canary Islands at Breaking Point

In his speech, Fúster highlighted how the Canary Islands, once known for their beauty and peace, have become a front line in the illegal immigration crisis. “They come here not looking for work but to exploit Spain’s welfare system,” Fúster stated, underscoring the growing frustration among the local population. He further explained that public services are overwhelmed, hospitals are stretched thin, and law enforcement is unable to keep pace with the increasing crime rates.

“This is an invasion the Canary Islanders did not provoke, nor did they ask for,” Fúster added. According to him, the root cause lies in the deliberate policies of Spain’s left-wing government. “It’s the politicians from the Popular Party and the Socialist Party who have created this ‘pull effect’ that invites more and more illegal immigrants into our country, overwhelming our services and social fabric.”

Vox has been warning about the dangers of the pull effect for years, and the numbers bear out their predictions. “Illegal immigration has increased by more than 100% compared to last year,” Fúster pointed out, emphasizing that this rise is not just coincidental. “This isn’t just a spike—this is the direct result of an immigration policy designed to bring in more people, regardless of the consequences for Spaniards.”

He didn’t mince words about the impact this surge is having on the nation: “What we are seeing is illegal immigrants arriving for the benefits, not jobs. They’re not looking for work; they’re looking for handouts. And this is what’s fueling the crisis in Tenerife and beyond.”

Fúster warned that the pull effect would only worsen if it continues unchecked. “Imagine what will happen when this illegal immigration is distributed across Spain. We will see crime rise, public services collapse, and more and more of our people suffer.”

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