Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Second-Hand Altruism

When communists talk about helping others, they are really talking about forcing you to help others while they pocket the credit for this “help.” They do this to leverage the political support of the people on the receiving end of the “help” and at the same time diminish the capacity of those who oppose them to resist.

This business in Ohio with the imported Haitians, for instance. Something in the range of 15,000-20,000 “refugees” and “asylum seekers” (as they’re referred to by Leftists because it pushes the discussion away from the fact that they are foreign aliens who are here illegally) have been dumped in one small town that had a population of about 50,000 by Leftists who leave it to the people of the town to “help” them.

Rather, to help themselves to whatever – including the pet cats and dogs of the people who live in this town.

They, too, get to pay the cost of “helping.”

Of course, the real cost comes in the form of the certainty of waxing impoverishment for the people who live in this town, who are probably not communists themselves.


The communists who imported masses of Haitians who have needs did so deliberately; not per se because the Haitians have needs, as that is merely incidental.

What communism needs is chaos.

It has to have societal unrest, disorientation. Stability must be assaulted. People alienated from one another. How better to accomplish this than by suddenly and dramatically  altering the very composition of a town? (And this is just a microcosm of what these communists are doing to this country). The people of this Ohio town are – just like that – no longer living in the same town. It changed almost literally overnight and on account of deliberate machinations.

There is no honest mistake here. No it just-kind-of-happened. Nothing like this just happens.

It happens on purpose.

Think for a minute about the contemptuous maliciousness of it. An entire town of people expected to just deal with a human tsunami of needy strangers from a very strange land, relative to small-town Ohio. The communists behind this know the people who live in this town will be expected to pay higher taxes – especially higher property taxes – on homes that will increasingly lose value as the area becomes unappealing to the people who have lives there for generations, many of whom will move to get away from there.

Meanwhile, who will want to move to there?

Excepting more “refugees” and “asylum seekers,” of course.

So, the people who live in this town will experience accelerated enserfment as well displacement. You see how this works? You see who benefits from this?

It will take a little time for innocent Americans to fully understand this. To recover their sense and come to grips with how their reflexive good-naturedness and willingness to help have been used against them – for decades now and long before communists began to come out of the closet.

Americans were told that “taxes” – that is to say, government taking money from those who earned it – are the “price of civilization.” A tragically hilarious concept when you think about that a little. They were told – and accepted that it was proper – to “pay their fair share.”

That it was important to helpthose who needed help.

Of course, most psychologically normal people agree with this. Which is why most psychologically normal people are so vulnerable to communist manipulation. Almost every parent helps their kids and even their kids’ friends, when the occasion arises. Almost everyone helps their friends. We help the neighbor when he needs it. But this kind of help is never coerced.

It is given freely.

That is not the kind of “help” that communists have in mind. But the word is used to obscure what they do have in mind, just the same as “refugee” and “asylum seeker” are used to obscure what is actually the case and – more so – to guilt-trip potential question-askers for daring to ask any questions. That would be selfish, uncaring. Perhaps even racist.

It must be understood that these communists intend our destruction. It is imperative to not play silly parliamentary games with communists, who do not play by anyone’s rules except for one. Which is to do whatever is necessary to obtain and hold power for its own sake. It is the ultimate aphrodisiac, as Henry Kissinger once admitted.

It is not realistic to think one can fight let alone defeat an enemy one does not yet understand is an enemy. An enemy that intends to destroy you and everything you care about – while (at first) scolding you about your questioning of any of it and – in the end – taking away everything you ever had, even including your life – if you continue to question it

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