Friday, September 13, 2024

Mark Hitchcock: Is The Gog-Magog Alliance Complete?

VIDEO: Is the Gog-Magog Alliance Complete? – Mark Hitchcock

In this episode, we dive into the growing alliance between Turkey, Iran, and Russia, exploring how recent events align with biblical end times prophecies. Is President Erdogan leading an Islamic offensive against Israel? Are we witnessing the beginning stages of the Gog and Magog war? 


Scott said...

Hey anon- I have no idea what you are talking about - that video is publicly available. You seem obsessed with MH - I would guess that he has done more for the kingdom than you have. Get over it. SMH

Anonymous said...

At 14:28 in this video, Hitchcock mentions a “subscriber section.” You said that I’m obsessed with MHC...I’m not. However, it makes me angry that Hitchcock uses this media to make God’s name. People want to hear more...which is a good thing. But, he wants to charge for that. Go to the video on YouTube and look at the comments. It’s sad. I believe one should do all that they can to promote “The Word,” without charging people. I have tremendous respect for you. I have no idea how much time and effort goes into your website...I know it’s a lot. Each and every day you diligently update your site. You don’t have a “subscriber” section...neither does Pastor Farag...Jan Markell, etc. God will reward you, Farag, and Markell for your work. I know that Mr. Hitchcock has done more..and will do more than I ever could for “The Word.” However, I would never charge people money in doing God’s work. I’m sorry if I offended you.

Scott said...

No offense at all, but I am fortunate enough to have full-time employment. I see your point to a degree, but pastors are paid for their work and I see this in the same light as that. I actually see your point, and I would never charge or advertise for a variety of reasons. The pay thing is annoying in a general sense (I could mention sites/names but won't do so here) - but is this different than pastors getting paid for their work? (thats a legit question, not leading). Ive actually considered what I would do if I wasn't employed - I still doubt I would sell products (advertise) or force payment behind a paywall but thats just me. Anyway - thanks for the exchange, I definitely see where you are coming from

Anonymous said...

I’ll let it go at this. I know pastors have to get paid. I believe he is a pastor of a church where he receives a Pastor Farag. I know MHC sells books. That’s fine and dandy with me. However, I think it’s wrong, really wrong with what he’s doing on line. I hope you looked at the comments. I think it gives Christianity a bad name. Okay, over and out.

Scott said...

No problem, I see your point - I have mixed feelings to be honest.