Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Viktor Orbán Ignites Nationalist Revolution: 'Patriots for Europe' Takes on EU Establishment

Viktor Orbán Ignites Nationalist Revolution: 'Patriots for Europe' Takes on EU Establishment

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s ‘Patriots for Europe’ coalition gains momentum as nationalist parties from the Netherlands and Spain join forces with Fidesz, Austria’s FPÖ, Czech ANO, and Portuguese Chega.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is spearheading a nationalist revolution within the European Union with the formation of a powerful new parliamentary group, Patriots for Europe. This groundbreaking alliance of nationalist parties from across Europe promises to shake up the EU Parliament, potentially shifting the balance of power away from the socialist and monolithic project of the European Union. This movement aims to redefine the future of the EU by restoring the voice of nation-states within the union.

A Wave of Nationalist Support

Joining Orbán’s Fidesz in the new group are Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), Czech Republic’s Action for Dissatisfied Citizens (ANO), and Portugal’s Chega. Recently, the Party for Freedom (PVV) from the Netherlands and Spain’s Vox have also declared their intent to join. Furthermore, the French National Rally, led by Marine Le Pen, is reportedly considering membership.

Orbán Viktor

The political change in Europe has begun! Today we lanched a new political group with

and Herbert Kickl. European people want three things: #peace, order and development. All they get from the current Brussels elite is #war, #migration and stagnation. In this situation, it is our duty to enforce the will of the voters. Three political parties joined forces today: the strongest Austrian party, the strongest Czech party and the strongest Hungarian party. Our aim is to become the strongest right-wing group in European politics.

PVV leader Geert Wilders expressed his party’s commitment, stating, “We proudly join the new group as patriots who cherish strong sovereign states, peace, and freedom. We oppose illegal immigration and strive to protect Europe’s Judeo-Christian heritage.” Wilders’ stance reflects the broader goals of Patriots for Europe, which aims to curb illegal immigration and preserve national sovereignty.

Spanish Vox leader Santiago Abascal also declared that his party is joining Patriots for Europe. Simultaneously, he extended a hand on social media to Georgia Meloni, her Brothers of Italy party, and the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, which they are now leaving. The ECR group includes parties from countries such as the United Kingdom, Poland, and Italy, advocating conservative and eurosceptic policies.


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