Friday, June 14, 2024

Terry James: Armageddon Architects

Armageddon Architects

With growing worldwide pressure surrounding God’s chosen nation being reported in the hourly news cycles, the word-picture drawn by the Prophet Joel comes ever more in focus.

“For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land” (Joel 3:1-2).

The Indictment by the God of Heaven here, when dissected, is against the entire world of nations. The history of the Jews and the diasporas suffered by God’s chosen people is historically documented.

Hatred poured out on the Jewish people is inexplicable apart from Jesus’ Words.

“All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another” (Matthew 24:8-10).

The world of nations, used by Satan to assault God’s chosen people with his hatred, has, throughout history, driven the Jewish people out of the land God Promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob forever. These have scattered and divided God’s Land of Promise to the four winds of Planet Earth. They have divided that land, as the Prophet Joel has foretold.

For this reason, God will bring all nations of Earth to the valley of Jehoshaphat – that is, to the killing field of Jezreel or Armageddon.

The modern-day leaders of the nations of the world hostile to God’s chosen nation, Israel, are carrying out the prophecy Joel was given to issue. These are, as our article terms them, Armageddon architects.

The fact that we see an exponential ramping up of hatred of Israel on a global scale – even among Western nations – is a sure signal of where this generation of Earth’s inhabitants stands on God’s Prophetic Timeline. 

One recent report of such anger against the Jewish state – disguised as wanting only to secure peace for Israel and her Israel-hater neighbors – makes the point that God’s Judgment, as given in Joel 3: 1-2, can’t be far off in implementation.

Spain’s socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez led a group of European states in recognizing Palestine as a state on Tuesday, saying the move was a step towards focusing “all our efforts to implement a two-state solution and make it a reality.”

Spain, Norway, and Ireland recognized Palestine as a state on Tuesday, making official by writ the announcement made by the group last week. The Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, was the first among the group to move on the morning, claiming his position was that giving Palestine international recognition would “help Israelis and Palestinians achieve peace.”

He said Palestine includes “West Bank and Gaza connected by a corridor” and has its capital and “legitimate government of the Palestine National Authority” in East Jerusalem….

Israel responded, saying the group is “rewarding terrorism” by giving Palestine the veneer of legitimacy around the world so soon after the October 7th terrorist attacks. Foreign Minister Israel Katz said in a message addressed to Sánchez: “You are complicit in inciting the Jewish genocide and war crimes”….

Speaking in Madrid on Tuesday, Sánchez defended the outrage-provoking move by insisting he was working for peace. Further, he said, asserting Palestine is a state puts Spain in a club with “more than 140 countries that already recognize Palestine” worldwide….

[Source: Spain, Norway, Ireland Formally Recognise Palestinian Statehood by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart News Network]

But God is not mocked; nor is he fooled. The nations of the world are led in this genocidal madness by the god of this world –Lucifer, the fallen one.

There is but one remedy for such hatred and rebellion, and Joel foretells that God will deal with the Israel haters, and with all other anti-God forces on the plain of Megiddo, which Napoleon called the greatest natural battlefield on Earth.

The rebellious globalist architects who want to build a world apart from God and Heaven’s Governance will lose this battle instantaneously when the Returning King of all kings simply Speaks the Word with the All-Powerful Sword of His Mouth. Again, I believe those words will be the same He Spoke, which calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee those millennia ago. “Peace, be still…”

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