Sunday, June 30, 2024

WEF Pushes Plans to ‘Reduce Car Ownership’ Among Public

WEF Pushes Plans to ‘Reduce Car Ownership’ Among Public
Frank Bergman

Unelected members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) have laid out plans to “reduce car ownership” among members of the general public.

During the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, aka “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China, globalists discussed plans to force the masses to give up their vehicles and use public transport instead.

A mayor from the UK spoke at the event and revealed during the panel on “Electrifying Mobility” that his city is being used as a testbed for ushering the globalist objectives.

Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester and Mayor of Salford Paul Dennett told fellow globalists that his city will lead the way in the shift toward reducing car ownership.

“I think the Greater Manchester story is one of collaboration and ultimately forging ahead,” said Dennett.

“We want to be a leading exemplar of a city region when it comes to transport connectivity.

“We see EV charging within a much bigger remit of integrated, smart, sustainable transport connectivity.

“Ultimately, we also want to reduce the dependency on car ownership, and we want to increase the dependency on public transport,” he added.

WEF has long been pushing for members of the public to be banned from owning their own vehicles.

In May, the WEF called on global governments to begin placing limits on private car ownership among the general public.

The globalist WEF is demanding that regular families with more than one car should be forced to give up one of their vehicles.

Despite the fact that a person can only drive one car at a time, the WEF insists that limiting the number of vehicles people can own will help to “save the planet” from “climate change.”

The WEF argues that members of the public must be forced into giving up a vehicle as part of the organization’s “One Less Car” agenda.

However, the agenda appears to be a stepping stone for the WEF’s long-promoted plan to eliminate all private car ownership.

In 2022, Norwegian Finance CEO and WEF speaker Kjerstin Braathen said people should be prepared to make major sacrifices to comply with the green agenda.

Braathen warned that the public can expect “pain,” inflation,” and “energy shortages” due to the “climate change” agenda of the WEF and fellow globalist organization the United Nations (UN).

“We need to accept that there will be some pain in the process,” Braathen said.

“The pace that we need [to end climate change] will open up for missteps.

“It will open up for shortages of energy.

“It will create inflationary pressures, and maybe we need to start talking about that — that that pain is actually worth it.”

Earlier this year, WEF founder Klaus Schwab gave an address at his organization’s annual World Governments Summit in Dubai where he laid out his vision for a ban on private car ownership.

The WEF founder described a world where nobody owns their own car.

Instead, the only vehicles on the roads would be those that transport elites to “your hotel and bring you to the airport.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the founder of WEF will be pedaling his tricycle to the next Davos meeting.