Saturday, June 29, 2024

"Strike inside the USA on the horizon"- Lieutenant Colonel means "alert"

"Strike inside the USA on the horizon"! Lieutenant Colonel means "alert"

A former US Special Forces official is warning that there will be a major attack inside the United States in the near future due in part to Joe Biden's open border policies.

Lt. Col. Scott Mann, speaking to Newsmax a few days ago claimed that Afghanistan veteran sources told him to expect a major terrorist event within the US within the next year.

"What they are saying is that there is an imminent attack on the horizon with a lot of underground activity inside Afghanistan ," Mann told host Robb Schmitt.

Mann was part of Task Force Pineapple, a volunteer task force of US veterans to evacuate American citizens and Afghan allies after the Taliban took over Afghanistan.

Mann went on to criticize the US intelligence apparatus and politicians for allowing a return to the same conditions just before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which led to the strengthening of domestic surveillance forces and the global "War on Terror".

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