Thursday, June 20, 2024

Strategic Flash Points: Wars And Rumors Of War In Abundance

Choke Points, Hot Spots, and Trip Wires
By Pete Garcia

Strategic Flash Points

Hot Spots refer to the geopolitical regions or issues where conflicts have the potential to escalate quickly, often involving significant military, political, or economic interests. These areas are critical due to their strategic location, resources, or political significance, and they often draw the attention of multiple global powers.

Taiwan-China (Forced Repatriation to the Mainland)

– Issue: China’s desire for reunification with Taiwan.
– Context: Taiwan considers itself a sovereign state, while China views it as a breakaway province.
– Strategic Importance: Taiwan’s location in the South China Sea, has significant technological and economic influence.
– Military Posture: Increased Chinese military drills and incursions into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ).

India-China (Over Ladakh Region)

– Issue: Border disputes in the Ladakh region.
– Context: Competing territorial claims along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
– Strategic Importance: Control over high-altitude territories and access to vital water resources.
– Military Posture: Regular skirmishes, buildup of troops and infrastructure on both sides.

Tibet-China (Freedom Movements in Tibet)

– Issue: Tibetan push for greater autonomy or independence.
– Context: China’s control over Tibet since 1951 and suppression of local culture and religion.
– Strategic Importance: Tibet’s geographical position as a buffer zone and source of major Asian rivers.
– Military Posture: Heavy Chinese military presence and surveillance in the region.


– Issue: Territorial and political control over Ukraine.
– Context: The annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014 and ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
– Strategic Importance: Ukraine’s location as a buffer between Russia and Western Europe, and its energy transit routes.
– Military Posture: Continued Russian support for separatists, NATO’s support for Ukraine, and military build-ups.


– Issue: Conflict between the Ethiopian government and Tigray region.
– Context: Tensions between the central government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).
– Strategic Importance: Stability in the Horn of Africa, which is critical for regional security and trade routes.
– Military Posture: Extensive military operations, allegations of war crimes, and regional involvement by neighboring countries.

Afghanistan Taliban-Pakistan

– Issue: Taliban control in Afghanistan and influence over Pakistan.
– Context: Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan and its implications for regional security.
– Strategic Importance: Impact on counter-terrorism efforts, refugee flows, and regional power dynamics.
– Military Posture: Cross-border terrorism, Taliban’s internal consolidation, and Pakistan’s strategic interests.

Israel-Iran (State-Sponsored Terrorism)

– Issue: Iran’s support for anti-Israel groups and regional influence.
– Context: Proxy wars, nuclear ambitions, and ideological rivalry.
– Strategic Importance: Control over regional power dynamics and security of the Middle East.
– Military Posture: Covert operations, cyber warfare, and direct threats between Israel and Iran.

Israel-Hezbollah (Terrorism)

– Issue: Hezbollah’s activities against Israel.
– Context: Hezbollah, supported by Iran, engaging in terrorism and military confrontations with Israel.
– Strategic Importance: Security of northern Israel and stability of Lebanon.
– Military Posture: Rocket attacks, border skirmishes, and military readiness on both sides.

Yemen (Houthis)-Djibouti (Access to Red Sea and Suez Canal)

– Issue: Control over strategic waterways and regional influence.
– Context: Houthi rebellion in Yemen and strategic interests in the Red Sea and Suez Canal.
– Strategic Importance: Security of vital maritime routes and regional trade.
– Military Posture: Naval blockades, military bases in Djibouti, and international involvement.

North Korea-South Korea (Forced Unification)

– Issue: North Korea’s aim to unify the Korean Peninsula under its regime.
– Context: Long-standing division since the Korean War, with periodic escalations in tensions.
– Strategic Importance: Stability in East Asia, impact on global trade and security.
– Military Posture: Nuclear threats, large military deployments, and frequent military exercises.

India-Pakistan (Over Kashmir Region)

– Issue: Territorial dispute over Kashmir.
– Context: Historical conflicts, ongoing skirmishes, and deep-rooted political tensions.
– Strategic Importance: Control over the region’s resources and strategic position.
– Military Posture: Regular ceasefire violations, nuclear-armed neighbors, and significant troop deployments.

Notable Mentions

– Venezuela, Mexico, and Haiti remain on the verge of requiring significant US military action
– Armenia – Azerbaijan conflict continues to rage and flare up
– Central to northern Africa – ISIS, Boko Haram, and other militant groups continue to destabilize the region

“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” – Luke 21:25-28

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Hezbollah attacks Cyprus then an ancient conflict resumes Greece vs Turkey.