Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Russian Sabotage? Huge Ammunition Depot Of French Army Blown Up

A huge ammunition depot of the French Army was blown up in Chad: "What a shame! You will not be able to send them to Ukraine" say the Russians

Russian sabotage operations against NATO and pro-Western countries around the world? Probably yes.

At least nine people were killed and 46 injured in the chain explosions that took place on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday in ammunition depots in the capital of Chad, as announced by the Minister of Health of the African country, Abdelmadjid Abdelrahim.

He did not hide his concern that the death toll could rise in the coming hours, as several of the injured were hospitalized in critical condition.

The successive explosions turned night into day in the capital Djamena, while stray shells from the military base's ammunition depots hit houses and many residents rushed to flee the area in fear.

In the morning, Chadian President Mahamat Idriss Deby visited the area that resembled a bombed-out landscape, with wrecked vehicles and tattered sheet metal strewn around a huge crater.

The Russians reveal that the large ammunition depot belonged to the French Army and was a strategic weapons reserve in Africa.

The damaged ammunition depot is considered to be the largest in the country. In addition to many homes of local residents, near the depot there is an airport and several accommodation centers for French military personnel.

“The facility is controlled by French troops, who play a prominent role in supporting Kiev.

This means that ammunition stored there could then end up in the hands of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. But after the emergency, it looks like that won't happen," the Russians comment ironically.

It is noted that the "strange" explosions in ammunition depots and training centers of the Ukrainian Army around the world continue...

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