Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Report Details US Troop 'Land Corridors' In Event Of European Ground War With Russia

Report Details US Troop 'Land Corridors' In Event Of European Ground War With Russia

NATO has a plan in place for rapid deployment of its forces in the scenario of a future Russian attack on Europe. It includes the development of "land corridors" which can be used to rush some 300,000 troops  mostly American soldiers  to front line positions in order to defend against a Russian invasion.

High-ranking British military sources described to the Telegraph that the plan entails troops landing at key European ports whereupon they would move east along pre-planned routes to counter potential Russian attacks.

Lt. Gen. Alexander Sollfrank, chief of NATO's Joint Support and Enabling Command (JSEC), described to the UK publication, "Huge logistics bases, as we know them from Afghanistan and Iraq, are no longer possible because they will be attacked and destroyed very early on in a conflict situation."

The logistics and troop transport corridors would originate in places like Greece, Italy, Turkey, The Netherlands, Norway - and the port of Rotterdam, a key northern European hub, is specifically named. Lines like the Germany-Poland railway are also mentioned in the report - all of which would theoretically allow rapid deployment of US forces to any NATO territory being threatened (based on Article 5 common defense).

Separate alarmist reports in UK media have been warning that the West should prepare for war with Russia at some point in the next two decades, connected with ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

For example, a prior March report in The Telegraph claimed that President Putin has a "paranoid obsession" with stoking conflict and provoking Western allies.

"Now that Russian President Vladimir Putin has secured his historic fifth term in office, it is patently clear that he will devote his next six-year spell at the Kremlin to pursuing his paranoid obsession of confronting the West," that prior stated.

As for the Telegraph's latest Tuesday revelation of the NATO land corridors  with the somewhat loud and sensationalist headline of "Nato land corridors could rush US troops to front line in event of European war"  the reality is that big picture contingency plans like this have been on US and NATO planners' shelves since the Cold War.

But without doubt they are getting dusted off amid the continued escalation of the Ukraine proxy war...

Douglas Macgregor

BREAKING: NATO now planning to get US troops to the front-line to fight RUSSIA.. What are they thinking? NATO has disclosed its preparations to deploy American troops to the European frontlines in the event of a full-scale conflict with Russia. Innovative 'land corridors' are being established to expedite the movement of soldiers through central Europe, bypassing local bureaucratic hurdles. This strategic setup enables NATO forces to swiftly react should Putin's aggressive actions in Ukraine extend westward. Reports suggest that these plans also encompass provisions for potential Russian attacks. In such scenarios, troops could mobilize through corridors in Italy, Greece, and Turkey to reach the Balkans, or alternatively, advance towards Russia's northern border via Scandinavia. These details were shared by officials with The Telegraph.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Outdated thinking. Russia has no desire to occupy large swaths of radiated landscape. Putin wanted to be free of NATO expansion. Instead he received hostile expansionist policies lining the border of his home land. In simplistic terms that narcissist might understand for the globalist that wish to take over and control Russia, Putin will radiate before he gives up one inch of his homeland. Loading large armies onto radiated land is backward outdated military logic. Warfare is no longer subject to men lining trenches shooting lead filled balls at one another. It has evolved to a more impersonal sky filled drone and missile fiasco. Next step is not hard to contemplate, nuclear tactical and long range ballistic hell on earth approach. It is also possible that these globalist are purposely pushing Putin into a corner to move to the next phase of warfare after all they do wish depopulation. They aren’t building bunkers for underground living without a purpose.