Monday, June 10, 2024

J Brentner: How Much Longer?

J Brentner

I have seen the above picture several times on social media. I’m not sure if it’s real, photoshopped, or an image created by AI. The clear implication is that once the monkey clobbers the sleeping lion with the stick, it will not end well for the primate.

This meme keeps coming to mind as I reflect on current events around the world. Just like the monkey, the globalists are provoking dangerous beasts knowing that their actions will not end well for a great many people. What’s different is that they will initially prosper from the anarchy and widespread death they will cause.

The question on my mind is this: How much longer can it be before the Lion of Judah responds in His wrath, wipes out the realm of the antichrist, and inaugurates His righteous rule upon the earth?

I agree with Dr. David Reagan, who recently wrote that we are “living on borrowed time.” We do not know how much longer we must wait until the Lord appears and God’s wrath in the form of “sudden destruction” descends upon the world (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3), but what we see tells us it must be soon.


The image of a monkey about to attack a sleeping lion first came back to my mind when I recently came across a news item from Newsmax. Below is the first paragraph of the story:

After gaining approval from the Biden administration, Ukraine reportedly used U.S. High-Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) to hit targets in the Russian city of Belgorod, 20 miles north of the Russia-Ukraine border in southern Russia.

I dare not predict when, but I know this is not going to end well for America or for our President. Joe Biden, a true globalist, is doing all he can to provoke Russia into a full-scale war. At some point, the bear will respond to his constant provocation by America and NATO. Recent news reports tell of Russia’s plan to place nuclear weapons in Cuba.

The war in Ukraine is already a proxy conflict between NATO and Russia. Before I read the news of Biden’s approval for an attack on Russia with U.S. missiles, I was amazed that Russian President Vladimir Putin had not yet attacked NATO interests outside of the current battlefield. Now I realize it must be the Lord’s restraining hand that’s preventing the start of WWIII.

The world is on the brink of the opening of the second seal and the release of the “pale horse,” which will bring war and conflict to the earth (Revelation 6:3-4). Perhaps soon, the constant threats from Russia to use nuclear weapons against NATO members will become a reality and contribute to the massive death toll indicated in Revelation 6:8.


The third rider of the Apocalypse reveals a coming time of economic devastation upon the earth (Revelation 6:5-6). How much longer can it be before we see the dire conditions predicted in these verses? Painful inflation, layoffs, and business closings are already wreaking havoc throughout the U.S., but we have yet to experience the conditions described in Revelation 6.

In America, we see a deliberate attempt to destroy the economy and bring financial ruin to all but the elite. The government is printing massive amounts of money as by some estimates, is adding one trillion dollars to its debt burden every one hundred days. The open borders have allowed millions to enter our country in just the last few years, which is adding to the nation’s debt level, economic woes, and housing crisis that’s leaving multitudes homeless on our streets.

Despite the financial turmoil that increases by the day, we remain earthbound, and the black horse remains in its stall. We hear it kicking, but we will be with Jesus in Heaven before this rider and horse bring widespread suffering to the world.


When goods such as food experience record soaring prices, such as will occur during the Tribulation, it signifies a shortage (the scarcity of a product combined with demand always drives up its price). Do we see the globalists provoking this outcome? Absolutely, we do.

The draconian restrictions that they seek to impose on farming in the name of saving the planet will most assuredly result in the deaths of a great many people due to starvation and lead to dire food shortages in the future. It seems likely that these efforts will also be a part of the high death toll we of the fourth seal (Revelation 6:7-8).

The cost of meeting one’s daily need for nourishment will soar to unimaginable heights.

These are just a few examples of why it seems that the Tribulation period should already have begun, but for the Lord’s hand holding back the appearance of the antichrist and the full implementation of his deadly agenda.

How much longer can it be before He takes us up to glory and takes away the restraining work of the Holy Spirit?

I seriously doubt that Putin’s patience accounts for delaying the start of WWIII. It could begin at any moment, but for the Lord’s power holding back the forces of evil and allowing more time for people to come to saving faith in Him.

We would be terribly amiss not to see these things as evidence that the Rapture might happen very soon. How much longer can the world leaders actively provoke events that strongly resemble the conditions described in Revelation 6:1-8? In doing so, they will unleash the fury of the Lion of Judah.

How much longer can it be until He brings us home to glory and the sudden destruction of 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 falls upon the earth?

All the evidence shouts that we are so close to this time, but for the restraining hand of the Lord.

Still I pray “come soon and quickly, Lord Jesus!” Maranatha

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