Monday, November 6, 2023

Sending message, US announces deployment of nuclear-capable submarine to Mideast

Sending message, US announces deployment of nuclear-capable submarine to Mideast

The US Central Command said Sunday evening that an Ohio-class submarine has arrived in its area of responsibility, which includes the eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and Gulf of Oman.

Ohio-class subs are both nuclear-powered and capable of carrying nuclear warheads, although some carry only cruise missiles and are meant to deploy with special operations forces, meaning it was unclear whether the submarine operating in the Mideast carries nuclear ballistic missiles.

While the US announcement was scarce on details, it was accompanied by an image that appeared to show a submarine in Egypt’s Suez Canal.

The arrival of the submarine in the region was apparently part of the same strategy that has seen the Pentagon dispatch two carrier strike groups in order to deter Iran and its proxies — not least the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror group — from attacking Israel amid its war against Hamas.

According to CNN, the US Navy has four Ohio-class guided missile submarines, which have been converted to carry 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

US acknowledgment of an Ohio-class submarine location is relatively rare, as they represent part of America’s so-called “nuclear triad” of atomic weapons — which also includes land-based ballistic missiles and nuclear bombs aboard strategic bombers.

In addition to releasing the photo of the submarine on Sunday, Central Command separately released an image of a nuclear-capable B-1 bomber also operating in the Mideast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Covertly bowl over other flanking terrorists like bowling pins, those that are known; just remove obstacle's for Israel, Israel needs to prevail in their quest to hunt demonic Hamas down, IMO!

So, keep Fake MSM in the dark so that affects all hater's by NOT giving evil their mouthpieces for more of their deceptions, IMO! Just do it, just quietly, we know it's happening when we don't hear the lies coming from Iran, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi, USA non-trusted one's, for some time, ah yes, just be covert for real, allow truths to prevail, IMO!

Demons need an overhaul, flat-lined, the world needs recalibrated from nut-jobs propped up by greedy power player's behind all this, in my opinion! Israel is on it covertly hunting the rest of the cowards as been reputed. Win the good fight against pure evil. The world hasn't ended yet, so keep safety alive, and evil back under the rocks they came from, IMO!