Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Jewish homes have Stars of David painted on them in Paris

Jewish homes have Stars of David painted on them in Paris

Homes across Paris have been marked with the Star of David in a chilling reminder of the Holocaust.

France already documented 819 ‘latent’ antisemitic attacks since the war between Hamas and Israel began on October 7, according to Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin.

In Jewish homes on the outskirts of Paris, multiple blue Stars of David have been painted on homes and stone fences.

Swastikas have also been sprayed next to Jewish institutions, and students have been publicly harassed outside of Jewish schools.

One Twitter user shared a photo of the homes and said: ‘Disturbing. Jewish homes in Paris are being marked with Stars of David.’

Another Parisian said: ‘This is not a tag. This is an insult to history, an insult to democracy, an insult to the republic.

‘Yesterday, the mayor of Ville de Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine condemned the same odious acts. Paris must wake up, quickly.’

President of the French National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, was sent a letter threatening to decapitate her.

More than ‘414 arrests by police and gendarmes’ have been made already as Darmanin stressed: ‘I understand the fear of French people of Jewish faith, but I also want to tell them that they are protected by the Republic.’

Yonathan Arfi, president of the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions, told the Wall Street Journal: ‘We know that it’s only a matter of days before we have a situation of people being attacked because they are Jewish.

‘That’s always the case when we have war in the Middle East.’

The UK has also seen a spike in antisemitic attacks since the war broke out on October 7, with more than 805 incidents in the last month – an increase of 689%.

The number of Islamophobic incidents in London has also risen to 101, up from 42 last year.

Berlin has also seen Stars of David painted onto Jewish homes, in a chilling echo of the Nazi’s persecution of Jews in World War II.

In the 1930s and 1940s, Nazis would often mark the doors of Jewish homes and businesses with the Star of David.

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