Friday, November 10, 2023

Israel Accuses CNN, NYT, Associated Press of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Israel Accuses CNN, NYT, Associated Press of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

At least six freelance journalists working for Associated Press, The New York Times and CNN were embedded with terrorists who waged jihad on Israel last month. That news coming from Honest Reporting, a Jerusalem-based media watchdog. It’s horrifying breach of ethics and morality.

It would’ve been like Walter Cronkite being secretly embedded with Japanese fighter pilots on their way to Pearl Harbor. And never saying a word.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the news agencies for working with 

photojournalists embedded with Hamas — calling them “accomplices in crimes against 

humanity” — as CNN formally severed ties with a freelancer who was photographed getting a kiss from the terror group’s leader.

Netanhayu’s office tweeted Thursday that it “views with utmost gravity that 

photojournalists working with international media joined in covering the brutal 

acts of murder perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on October 7th.

“These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity; their actions were 

contrary to professional ethics,” the leader said — demanding “immediate action be 

taken” by the outlets employing them.

“Reuters, The Associated Press and CNN — all of which published photos from Palestinian photographers taken in the first hours of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks — scrambled overnight to distance themselves from allegations that they, as well as The New York Times, had advance warning of the terror attacks in Israel,” said Jewish Insider Executive Editor Melissa Weiss.

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