Saturday, November 11, 2023

Iran’s Raisi: The only solution is ‘a Palestinian state from the river to the sea’

Iran’s Raisi: The only solution is ‘a Palestinian state from the river to the sea’

Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi tells a summit of Arab and Muslim leaders on Israel’s war with Hamas that the only solution to the conflict is a Palestinian state from the “river to the sea.”

“The only solution for this conflict is the resistance continuing against the Israeli oppression until the establishment of the Palestinian state from the river to the sea,” he says, echoing protest chants seen as calling for the destruction of Israel.

Raisi calls on those present to take a clear stand and choose what side they are on.

“We want to take a historic and decisive decision regarding what is happening in the Palestinian territories. Killing civilians and bombing hospitals are manifestations of Israeli crimes in Gaza. Today, everyone must decide which side they stand on,” he says, calling to arm the Palestinians.

He also calls for sanctions and an energy boycott against Israel, for charges to be brought against Israel and the US at the Hague, and for international inspectors at Israel’s nuclear facilities.

Drone infiltration alert, rocket warning sirens sound near Lebanon border

A suspected drone infiltration alert is sounding in the northern community of Kabri, close to the Lebanon border.

Rocket sirens meanwhile sound in the nearby towns of Neveh Ziv, Manot and Avdon.

Earlier today, drone alerts sounded in Kiryat Shmona and nearby towns, but was later revealed to be a false alarm amid a rocket attack.

The alerts come amid repeated missile and rocket attacks by Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group. Hezbollah has also carried out several drone attacks.

Mortars fired at IDF posts on Lebanon border; army strikes rocket launcher

The Israel Defense Forces says mortars were fired from Lebanon at a number of army posts and troops on the northern border.

It does not report any injuries in the attacks.

Separately, the IDF says it struck a rocket launcher in southern Lebanon, used in an attack on the Margaliot area earlier.

It publishes a video showing the strike.

Rockets fired at Beersheba, Negev area

A rocket barrage is fired at the southern city of Beersheba and surrounding communities in the Negev.

Several loud explosions are heard in the area in apparent interceptions by the Iron Dome.

The Magen David Adom rescue service says it is carrying out searches, but there are no immediate reports of direct impacts or injuries.

Bin Salman welcomes Iran’s Raisi, says Israel responsible for ‘crimes’ against Palestinians

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salaman welcomes Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi as Arab and Muslim leaders are in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, Saturday for a summit on the Israel-Hamas war.

This is Raisi’s first visit to Saudi Arabia since the bitter rivals reestablished ties several months back.

Iran backs Hamas as well as Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror groups and Yemen’s Huthi rebels, placing it at the center of concerns the war could expand.

IDF carries out strikes in Lebanon in response to rocket fire

The Israel Defense Forces says it carried out airstrikes and artillery shelling against a number of Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to rocket fire on northern Israel earlier.

It says infrastructure belonging to the terror group was hit.

The IDF publishes a video showing the strikes.

IDF says it killed Hamas commander who held some 1,000 Gazans hostage at hospital

The Israel Defense Forces says it has killed a Hamas commander who “held hostage approximately 1,000 Gazan residents at Rantisi Hospital.”

In a statement, the IDF says that following intelligence gathered by the Shin Bet and Military Intelligence Directorate, troops of the Givati Brigade directed a fighter jet to strike Ahmed Siam, the commander of Hamas’s Nasser-Radwan company.

Two days ago, the IDF said Siam was preventing some 1,000 Palestinians from evacuating Rantisi Hospital, which is located in northern Gaza.

The IDF says Siam was killed while hiding at the al-Buraq school in Gaza City, along with other Hamas operatives under his command.

“Ahmed Siam demonstrates once again that Hamas uses the civilians of the Gaza Strip as human shields for terror purposes,” the IDF statement adds.

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