Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Censorship Warning Signs - Things To Come

How did it get this DANGEROUS to tell the truth?

Today, between our crushing "democratic" governments and the great plague of heavily propagandized (and "vaccinated") mobs, speaking simple truths out loud too easily brings personal destruction

Why is Reiner Fuellmich in a German prison? Not because of some financial impropriety, as “reported” by such propaganda mills as VICE—whose slanderous headline gives the game away: 

‘Fake Pandemic’ Conspiracy Lawyer Arrested After Claims He Ripped Off His Followers

Fuellmich was seized in Mexico and jailed in Germany for contradicting the Official Narrative on “COVID.”

That smear inadvertently makes clear, to anyone who’s half-awake, that Fuellmich was seized in Mexico and jailed in Germany for contradicting the Official Narrative on “COVID.”

Here’s the translation.

Reiner and his wife lost their passports and visas quite some time ago, needed to get them replaced. As they have been staying in Mexico, this led to their needing to go to the German embassy in Tijuana, Mexico. The first time they went, on Monday, they needed to come back. Dagmar was already uneasy, but everything seemed all right. 

A time was arranged, for Friday, for them to pick up the documents. So the embassy knew exactly when they would be arriving. 

When they went back on Friday, Reiner’s wife got her documents and was allowed to go. Reiner was arrested. He had nothing with him, only the clothes he was wearing. No toothbrush, even. 

A warrant for his arrest had been issued in March. A second warrant was issued in May. One was from Germany and the other from the EU. Obviously he was not informed. 

As Reiner was in Mexico, which is outside the jurisdiction of the EU, the warrants could not be enforced.

So there needed to be a way to get him onto German soil. 

Reiner’s needing a new passport and visa gave those who wanted him arrested the perfect opportunity.

Reiner’s needing a new passport and visa gave those who wanted him arrested the perfect opportunity.

When he entered the embassy on Friday, there were 6 men waiting to detain him, take him to the airport, escort him to Germany.

The charges, as Dagmar found out when she had the official papers opened, were 30 pages long - so this was something carefully planned and executed.

They related to allegations of Viviane Fischer, a former team member on the Corona Committee, about financial wrongdoing. 

Three people signed the charges against Reiner.

And why is InfoWars’ Owen Shroyer now in solitary confinement in a federal prison? Not because, as “our free press” has “reported,” he “amped up” the crowd outside the Capitol on “January 6,” before the “coup attempt” whereby they sought to “overturn” the last election. Since there was no such “coup attempt,” Shroyer couldn’t have done anything to bring it on.

Rather, Shroyer is in solitary as a punishment for contradicting the Official Narrative of that election, and also to bolster, or “amp up,” the Official Narrative of “January 6”—an “uprising” so dangerous that those involved must be not just locked up but isolated, lest the other inmates mount an “insurrection,” too.

Owen Shroyer's Prison Sentence Begins As He Is Put in Solitary Confinement

In Britain, the authorities have prolonged, by six months, the suspension of a doctor over her “concerns” about the COVID “vaccination” program, and her related claim that “young people were being coerced, bullied, bribed and cajoled into receiving the vaccine.” The fact that her “concerns” have been entirely justified, and that “young people” were, demonstrably, “coerced, bullied, bribed and cajoled” into getting jabbed, is not just irrelevant but itself taboo—a forbidden fact,

A Londonderry doctor has been given a further suspension of six months for using her position to undermine the public health message on Coronavirus.

Dr Anne McCloskey had already been suspended over comments about the Covid-19 vaccination. A medical tribunal, sitting in Manchester, has now extended that.

It found that her actions fell below standards expected of a doctor and that this amounted to misconduct.

In August 2021, Dr McCloskey expressed concerns in a social media video about young people taking Covid jabs.

Her claims included that young people were being coerced, bullied bribed and cajoled into receiving the vaccine.

She was suspended after her comments attracted a number of complaints.

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