Saturday, November 4, 2023


Patrick Delaney

A Canadian physician has raised an alarm regarding the emergence of "turbo cancers" afflicting the young that seem to be associated with reception of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 "vaccines." (Image: Pixabay)

"I've never seen anything like this," said Dr. William Makis speaking in an October 20 interview. "I've never seen stage four breast cancers presenting in women in their twenties. I've never seen stage four colon cancer presenting in men and women in their twenties [and] thirties, leukemias that will kill you in a matter of days or even hours after diagnosis, lymphomas that again kill you in a matter of months."

Makis is the chief of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology for the Wellness Company, which is staffed by well-known medical experts Peter McCulloughPaul AlexanderRoger Hodkinson, and Harvey Risch. His biographical information states that he is a cancer researcher with training in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology and has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals while also maintaining a popular Substack channel.

Speaking to host Jim Ferguson, the Edmonton-based physician described how he began tracking sudden deaths in COVID-jabbed individuals in late 2021 when noticing high numbers of doctors dying suddenly following their booster shot. While many passed away due to cardiac issues as they were exercising, "quite a large subset of doctors" developed "extremely aggressive cancers."

"For example, there was a doctor who developed gastric cancer in his thirties [and] presented at stage four. He was dead in less than a year," Makis reported. "Very rare brain cancers [appeared] in young individuals in their twenties and thirties, including medical students, medical residents. And these cancers would always present at stage four, and they would always kill them in a matter of a few months."

While tracking these tragic cases, he noticed the term "turbo cancer" was being applied to the phenomenon on social media. "These cancers behave completely differently, unlike anything I've seen before in my career, and I've diagnosed over 20,000 cancer patients."

Furthermore, "these turbo cancers seem to be arising specifically in people who've had the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. It seems that one vaccine is enough if you're unlucky. But, of course, the more vaccines you take, the more risk you have. And these cancers are always presenting at stage four. They're always picked up very late. They grow very rapidly. So, they catch the oncologists off guard," he said..

Continue reading Here.

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