Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Border Crisis - By Plan And By Design

The Border Invasion: An Attack On The United States of America

The border invasion is an attack on the United States of America. Not exactly a steaming headline perhaps, but nonetheless true. Yet, there are no troops, agents or cops on the border to stop it. They’re only there to manage it. That isn’t an act of law enforcement, it’s a criminal act, a violation of law, not just treason. They are being told to follow some policy, but that cannot conflict with duly passed laws, or it is an illegal order. So many are guilty they have relative safety in numbers. The only way to overcome that is to overwhelm them from the back. 

Everyone knows that American men, veterans, former cops, whatever, should have been on the border themselves, pushing or making citizen arrests of the lawless border patrol agents for treason and shipping them off to a citizen’s tribunal. But, that’s not how we do things in America. We have the police arrest criminals. We have the rule of law. Yeah? When? I’ve been waiting on a number of different fronts. There’s no rule of law, there’s what you can force and what you must endure. So, we don’t do it that way anymore. Instead, we give up United States territory to criminal gangs and cabals, foreign enemies and villains? That’s the only possible alternative to this lackluster, do nothing, concierge approach to criminal activity.

We used to handle this with troops. It is the international border and it is being overrun. Anyone looking at this from a military perspective would see the obvious problem here. It is an act of war primarily by Mexico, but all down the line as well. It is their revenge in a way, or at least it started out that way, but now the international brotherhood of border jumpers has squashed their towns, too. All the way from Panama up to the Rio Grande. They’ve dumped their trash from one end of the continent to the other, threatened and abused human beings living there en route.

Explain to me, someone, why this is not an act of war and if our government, as bought off and corrupt as it is, can’t or won’t do anything about it, how does it not fall to the people themselves? In every historical document I’ve read it states this clearly enough, but even if it doesn’t we are allowing not only these foreign fighters into our nation to await specific orders to commit terrorist acts, that much has already been intimated by Hezbollah, Hamas and every other terrorist organization one might want to name, Boko Haram.

Many such attacks might already have taken place with train derailments and leaking chemicals, with wildfires and exploding food production plants. But the authorities would never admit it, because they are culpable. If not that, the diseases being brought in are the equivalent of biological weapons. The fentanyl being brought in is a chemical weapon and has killed hundreds of thousands in just a few short years. How is that not an act of war?

More importantly, where are the men and women of stature to not just talk about this on popular radio shows and podcasts, but who are actively organizing for the people to take control of the border? That has happened in every other existential emergency. This is our land, it’s not for some elected stooges to do with it whatever they please. A policy change doesn’t equal a law. The immigration laws are still in effect and every one of those border agents who obeyed illegal orders will find themselves subject to criminal prosecution just the same as a private who obeys an order to torch a village, or assassinate prisoners. If you don’t think these actions are the same, wait until the terrorist attacks start to happen.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our enemy, Narco state Mexico, facilitates this hence the cat 5 hurricane wiping out Acapulco.