Sunday, November 5, 2023

Bill Gates- and George Soros-backed Aspen Institute hit with censorship collusion lawsuit

Bill Gates- and George Soros-backed Aspen Institute hit with censorship collusion lawsuit

America First Legal (AFL) is expanding a lawsuit it originally filed against just the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and Virality Project (VP) to also include the Bill Gates- and George Soros-backed Aspen Institute (AI).

AI – for the rest of this article, AI will refer to the Aspen Institute and not artificial intelligence – appears to be a major player in the so-called censorship-industrial complex, having worked in tandem with various tech giants and governmental bodies to attack online free speech, particularly during the 2020 and 2022 electoral periods.

After Donald Trump won the White House in 2016, apparently by "mistake" in that he was not chosen by the usual cabal (or so we are told), AI, EIP, VP, and many other groups launched into action a new approach to tampering with and stealing elections that involves censoring the truth online – especially on social media.

AI is famous for its "philanthropic" endeavors, being heavily funded by billionaire heavyweights like Soros and Gates. Between 2003 and 2020, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation alone sent more than $101 million to AI, while Soros' Open Society Network gave AI upwards of $3 million during the same time period.

In 2020, AI's Vivian Schiller hosted an event that AFL claims was specifically designed to manipulate social media engagement concerning the then-revealed scandal about Hunter Biden and his infamously incriminating laptop.

Then came the Twitter Files, which only further substantiated all this upon analysis. These show that the AI event was, in fact, planned for the purpose of intentionally redesigning and launching a new narrative about Hunter in order to protect the estate and reputation of the Biden Crime Family at large.

You see, to unveil Hunter's crimes is to unveil all of their crimes, including those of "the big guy," a usurper who currently occupies but does not belong in the People's House, also known as the White House.

Included in the case is plenty of evidentiary support for its claims, including alleged emails that were sent between key players at AI to other key players at EIP and VP, clearly indicating their hidden partnership and mutual censorship agenda against Americans and their constitutional right to free speech under the First Amendment.

If the lawsuit is a success, AFL says that the criminal behavior that is uncovered in the process will constitute "an overt, intentional and explosive violation of the Constitution at the hands of the government."

President Stephen Miller referred to the lawsuit as a "landmark" moment in the fight against "the censorship-industrial complex."

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