Sunday, October 8, 2023

Israel At War: Toll increases to 700+ Israelis killed as Cabinet Officially Declares War

Israel At War: Toll increases to 700+ Israelis killed as Cabinet Officially Declares War

Radical Left-Wing Spin: The Campaign To Justify Hamas' Mass Murder Of Innocent Civilians Is Well Underway

Here we go again. Not even 24 hours had passed since terrorists launched and unprecedented attack on Israel, and unfounded Palestinian propaganda was already being used to justify Hamas’ mass slaughter.

Despite the fact that Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organization by Canada and other free countries, murdered an estimated 700 Israelis in cold blood, Palestinians in Toronto set up a cheering squad on a local highway overpass this weekend. They are also planning rallies against the “Zionists.”

If you are rooting for the terrorists, understand this: Grandmothers were killed in their wheelchairs. Children have been beaten, ripped from their mothers’ arms and taken hostage in Gaza. Thousands of rockets are being shot at Israeli neighbourhoods, aiming to maim and kill.

What is there to celebrate? Death and destruction? An ISIS-style attack by terrorists riding in pickup trucks through villages and murdering people? What kind of sick people are waving Palestinian flags on our highways?

Already, our political leaders are talking out of both sides of their mouths. While Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow condemned the attack on Israel in one tweet, two hours later she also wrote, “We must acknowledge Palestinian pain and severe loss of life during this time” (though the tweet has since been deleted).

This is like saying that we must acknowledge the pain Taliban fighters suffered following their murder of women in a soccer stadium. There is no moral equivalence between the pain suffered by Israeli civilians as a result of this unprovoked attack and the Hamas fighters who have been killed in retaliation. If we fail to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong, our own society will begin to crumble. Maybe it has.

And the radical left-wing spin is only picking up speed. We are going to hear our media call Hamas “militants,” not terrorists. We are going to hear justifications for the murder of Israeli children based on the false narrative that Israel is an “apartheid state” or an “occupier” — even though it does not occupy Gaza, the festering enclave of terrorism from which these attacks originated.

An assistant professor at Wilfrid Laurier University retweeted a message that the Hamas attack was in response to Israeli incursions into Arab towns in recent months and years. Not mentioned was the thousands of terror attacks Israel has sustained this year at the hands of Palestinian terrorists.

One of CUPE’s Twitter accounts retweeted a tweet reading, “Today, as Palestinians break down colonial barriers, they breathe life into the dream of an open, liberated geography.” This is false. Israelis are not colonizers of their own land. They are indigenous to the Land of Israel.

As Israel’s offensive commences and inevitably, and sadly, people get killed and hurt, the media will quickly forget about Saturday’s brutal Palestinian assault on Israel. It will begin siding with the Palestinians, lying and distorting the truth and giving ample fodder for pro-Palestinian demonstrations on our streets and campuses.

The shame of left-wing hate and antisemitism will be couched in the language of “proportionality” and Israel’s so-called “military edge.” Some military edge. The Palestinian-controlled images will flow onto our screens, attempting to create sympathy and justifying Saturday’s brutal terror attack.

The United Nations will likely pass resolutions calling for a ceasefire and criticizing Israel for defending itself. Throughout history, and during all of Israel’s 75-year existence, Jewish self-defence has consistently been questioned. A Jew? Defending himself? How can this be?

But alas, this time, Israel has awoken. Jews are a peaceful people by nature, but they easily fall asleep at the wheel. Yet when Israel does wake up, when Jews unify, there is no amount of false sympathy that will save the other side. To all the propagandists out there, to the flag-wavers on the highway, to those who falsely accuse us of being colonizers and justify mass murder, shame on you. If you think we are willing to be herded once again like sheep to the slaughter, you are in for a rude awakening.

Amir Tsarfati: Israel Must Eliminate Hamas—To Do So, The IDF Must Stop Caring What The World Will Say

It took four hours for the military to mount a concerted response, which was eventually dubbed Operation Iron Sword. By that time, the carnage was devastating. Bodies of Jewish civilians littered the streets. A still unknown number were kidnapped and taken hostage into Gaza. Women, children, the elderly, no one was spared the violence of these Palestinian criminals. Not since the Holocaust have we seen so many Jews rounded up, beaten, and humiliated in public. And never before has it happened within the borders of modern Israel. Eventually, once the tide of battle had turned, the terrorists fled back into Gaza.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) followed them in. Hamas members, from the top leaders down to the soldiers, were targeted, as were their headquarters, warehouses, and homes. This is all part of a three-level response by the Israeli military. The first level is to purify Israel of all terrorists. Anyone who crossed the border as part of this attack and is still in Israel needs to either be arrested or killed. The second level is to take from Hamas and other terrorist organizations that threaten Israel all their military capabilities. To accomplish this, Israel’s government has invoked Article 40 of the Basic Laws, which amounts to a declaration of war. Last time Article 40 was used was in 1973 for the Yom Kippur War. This will allow the IDF to use all air, ground, and naval forces to accomplish this feat.

The third level of Israel’s response is to hold accountable the countries that assisted Hamas in this attack. Hamas is neither equipped nor sophisticated enough to have pulled this off alone. Most automatically look to Iran, but U.S. intelligence says the ayatollahs were not involved. The question we have to ask is who has jamming equipment advanced enough to nullify the protection of the Iron Dome? Also, what country has effectively used drones to drop bombs on targets? The answer is Russia. The relationship between Moscow and Jerusalem has been souring due to Israel’s expanding exports of natural gas and Russia’s deepening relationships with Israel’s enemies, like Iran, Syria, and Lebanon.

IDF strikes 150 targets in Gaza's Shejaiya neighborhood

Israeli Cabinet Officially Declares War For The First Time Since 1973

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree with Amir Tsarfati, Israel must stand up to Criminal Coward druggie Henchmen Bullies from Terrorists Fractions, and funded by reputedly Iran, or others within the ME Region, IMO!! Behind Israel are hordes of Angels sent to help, God has a plan!

Better use of funds would be to improve lives of those they claim are in need? So, if they choose evil deeds, the WORLD knows those criminals don't care about any people, it's about committing crimes against humanity paid by ruthless other's, like Iranian heads, who are coveting Israel's land & resources, IMO! Pray for Israel, USA, the World, we are deep into the Spiritual Battle/Warfare like never before, IMO! Look at USA today, good versus evil like never before, we can find peace walking with Jesus!!!