Sunday, October 29, 2023

Things To Come...

Peaceful J6 Prisoner Warns Patriots of Faith: You Could Be Next

A peaceful protester shows up to a rally, is violently attacked by law enforcement, commits no violence…but is raided by an army of FBI agents and sent to jail for 48 months in third-world conditions. That is what America, once the world’s beacon of freedom, has become under Joe Biden.

BLM and Antifa rioters literally burned down cities with few or no consequences, and even with the praise of the left.  Joe and Hunter Biden are still in the White House, despite vast corruption and money-laundering. But the Jan. 6 protestors faced all the force of a weaponized federal system. “What I would like for America to know is that I am not the man the media has portrayed me to be,” wrote Jan. 6 political prisoner Michael Perkins in a heartbreaking letter from the horrific jail known to J6 prisoners as the DC Gulag. “I am not a terrorist or [a]n insurrectionist that was threatening our democracy that day. I am an average hard-working American that lives paycheck to paycheck to provide for my family. I put my whole heart into my faith, my family, and my country and clearly [that] must be the very threat they see. If that’s the case, and if you fall into any of those categories, you’re a threat as well.”

Perkins was just a devout Christian and peaceful patriot who wanted to witness to government corruption and the man who uncovered it: Donald Trump. But the weaponized “justice” system ruined his life for it.

The judge sentencing Perkins even admitted Perkins seemed a good man and good citizen; the judge cited his main reason for sentencing Perkins as “deterrence.” In other words, Perkins was to be an example for the world to see, a warning to other patriotic Americans, to other people of faith—this is what happens when you challenge the government and its enforced political dogma in any way. In Joe Biden’s America, political dissidents are treated worse than terrorists.

So what was Perkins’s “crime”? He accidentally struck a police officer with his Trump flag while blinded with pepper spray, and the officer in question didn’t even know he’d been hit by the flag until he was shown his own body cam footage. Yet Perkins was accused of “assault with a deadly weapon.” It’s straight out of an Orwellian nightmare. You can donate to the GiveSendGo for the Perkins family to help them face their financial difficulties as Michael endures years in jail.

Below are excerpts from Perkins’ letter from jail—you can read the full letterat Gateway Pundit:


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