There is no excuse for anyone on this earth to say they didn’t see it coming. The billionaire globalists and their well compensated lackeys at all levels of government, mega-corporations, the finance industry, the medical industry, the military industrial complex, think tanks, organized religion, social media tyrants, and the regime mainstream media, believe they are so powerful and unassailable, they can just announce their plans to enslave, control, lockdown, and force their depopulation Great Reset agenda upon the world with no blowback.
First it was the global scamdemic, utilized to put in place authoritarian measures to control the population. It was hugely successful and encouraged them to rollout phase 2 – forcing jabs on billions across the globe. Those it hasn’t killed, have seen their immune systems compromised, ultimately shortening their lifespan, and moving their de-population agenda forward. The war on farmers, war on meat, war on CO2, war on gasoline powered vehicles, war on guns, war on the sun, and war on freedom of speech, are all part of the plan.They have laid their plans out plainly.
They write books about their Great Reset. They have conferences and conduct interviews revealing exactly what they have planned. You will eat bugs, live in a pod, pay with central bank digital currencies, not venture out of your 15 minute cities, not question the approved narrative, own nothing, and be happy. Or else. This isn’t a threat. It’s their plan. It’s time to get over your cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias. None of this is normal. We are at war, but only one side is fighting. Schwab, Gates, Soros, Tedros, Biden and their like are your enemy. How long will we allow this to continue, before it is too late?
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