Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Can the World Afford the Insane Foreign Policy of America’s Neoconservatives?

Can the World Afford the Insane Foreign Policy of America’s Neoconservatives?

We are on the verge of nuclear annihilation.  Every agreement made during the 20th century to reduce the risk of nuclear war has been abandoned by Washington.  Why worry, some ask, mutual assured destruction means neither the US nor Russia would initiate a nuclear attack.  Perhaps not, but the greatest danger of nuclear armageddon comes from false alarms from warning systems.  During the Cold War there were many such alarms.  The false alarms did not result in mutual destruction because both governments were working to defuse, not exacerbate, the situation, and there was time for the validity of the alarm to be verified before a fatal pushing of the button.

Today the situation is entirely different.  Washington and the NATO puppets have a policy of provoking Russia, with the 2014 coup in Ukraine and its consequences being the worst to date.  Moreover, the hypersonic speeds of the Russian missiles and the closeness of US missiles to Russia’s border cuts time before impact to 5 or 10 minutes, which means no time to verify or confer.

The extraordinary insulting hostility shown toward Russia by the US, NATO and the Western media has convinced  the Kremlin that the West intends Russia’s destruction.  Russia’s President Putin has stated  many times that the West has led him to this conclusion. A couple of days ago at the Valdai Discussion Club Putin expressed concern that the West’s belligerence toward Russia could end in nuclear war.  If President Biden were a responsible leader, he would have said that the Russian president is right, and we must stop the escalation of threats.  Instead, Biden sent B-2 stealth bombers, aircraft  specifically designed for a nuclear first-strike, to European bases, thus escalating the threat, a mindless and irresponsible response to President Putin.    

In the US the constant propaganda against Russia (and now China) has convinced many Americans that they face the danger of  nuclear attack.  This is not a situation in which a false alarm is likely to be recognized.  The risk of not believing the alarm is much higher in the environment created by the American neoconservatives, who have controlled US foreign policy in the 21st century.

In US foreign policy and military ranks there are some, especially among the military/security-funded think tanks, who believe, automatically it seems with no evidence required, that the US, being the greatest and most powerful country ever, would win a nuclear war.  This belief exists despite the total absence of any US preparation for surviving a nuclear war, assuming such a war is survivable.  The most likely outcome would be nuclear winter, a situation in which dust from the massive explosions block the sunlight and the entire world starves to death.

Ask yourself, just how insane, how Satanic do neoconservatives have to be to think that their totally unrealistic pursuit of US global hegemony is worth such a risk?

The minute the Soviet Union collapsed politically when hardline communists arrested President Gorbachev, the neoconservatives penned the Wolfowitz  Doctrine, which states that the principle goal of US foreign policy is to prevent the rise of any power that could constrain American hegemony.  It is this absurdly unrealistic neoconservative doctrine, not Russian or Chinese behavior, that has resurrected the threat of nuclear Armageddon.

The threat is very real.  Those who dismiss it are utter and total fools.  They are psychopaths.  They are insane.  They risk the life of the planet. It is the neoconservatives who are the worst danger to life the world has ever faced.  Why does Congress put up with them? Why does the Senate confirm them in office?  Why is the American media their propagandist?  Why do the UK, European, and Japanese governments tolerate such enormous risks imposed by a handful of insane psychopaths?

For those who think nuclear war can’t happen:




Will There Be a 2024 Presidential Election?

This question arises from the FBI’s designation of Donald Trump and the half or more of the American electorate that supports him as “domestic terrorists” who constitute a “persistent, evolving, and deadly threat” to the United States.  As a senior official put it, “Trump’s army constitutes the greatest threat of violence domestically, politically, that’s the reality.” https://www.newsweek.com/2023/10/13/exclusive-fbi-targets-trump-followers-2024-election-nears-1831836.html 

Here we have the FBI causing disunity by splitting the US population into half.  The good half are the Democrats. The bad half is comprised of traditional Americans who want their country back from the special interests and support Donald Trump.  It is the FBI that has made this division, not the people who want their country back.  The FBI has proved itself to be a dangerous domestic terrorist that has created disunity among the population and gone to war against the traditional American population.

How can the FBI permit such a deadly threat to America, as the FBI declares Trump and his supporters to be, to win the election?  How can an army of domestic terrorists be allowed to vote Trump into office? The FBI has equated Trump’s election with an insurrection, that is, with the overthrow of the government.

This would seem to commit the FBI to preventing Trump’s election, and the FBI is applying “counterterrorism methods developed over the past decade in response to Al-Qaeda and other Islamist groups” to Trump supporters. In other words, the FBI doesn’t differentiate between Trump and his supporters and Muslin terrorists.

It is reasonable to conclude that if the Democrats’ political prosecutions of Trump fail to prevent him from running for president, the Biden regime will declare a national emergency and suspend the election.

Biden’s Homeland Security also equates Trump supporters with “the use of violence to pursue political ends” and “a threat to our national security.”

Attorney General Garland says “attacks by domestic terrorists are attacks on all of us collectively.” What attacks is Garland talking about?  The ones the FBI is about to orchestrate?

It is clear that the Biden regime and security agencies regard half or more of the US electorate as domestic terrorists.  In other words, the FBI is now a political police, no longer a criminal police.  The FBI and Homeland Security are geared to protecting Washington from the American electorate.  Attorney General Garland has made it clear that the “Justice” Department will validate whatever unconstitutional methods are used.

The position of the FBI and Homeland Security is that if you disagree with an official narrative, you are a domestic terrorist.

I do not believe that Trump will be permitted to be President.  If he wins, it will be said that he lost, or he will be assassinated, or a state of emergency will be declared.  The Establishment will do whatever it takes to keep Trump out of the White House.

The wedge that has been so successfully driven between  Americans makes white people a minority in their own country.  They are so divided that they cannot defend themselves or the Constitution that is the shield of their liberty.

Now that the FBI has declared the 85 million Americans who twice elected Trump president to be domestic terrorists, the FBI will have to organize some domestic terrorists events, like it had to organize Muslim terrorist events, in order to validate its proclamation of domestic terrorism from Trump supporters.  Will federal agents blow up buildings,  stage rioting and looting events, and assassinate Democrats in order to incriminate Trump supporters?  Is this the playbook for the Democrats to win the next election?

What do we make of Hillary Clinton’s statement that Trump supporters have to be officially deprogrammed?  Are we being set up for reeducation camps?

In America today, all of this is possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If God allows the impossible to happen then no mortals can off-set this, IMO!